CO-PILOT | Flexible Pilot Scale Manufacturing of Cost-Effective Nanocomposites through Tailored Precision Nanoparticles in Dispersion

The CO-PILOT project addresses the field of nanocomposites which has witnessed remarkable progress (compound annual growth rate of 18%) in recent years with many different types of nanocomposites exhibiting radically enhanced properties for a wide range of industrial applications.

The CO-PILOT project aims to develop an open access infrastructure for SMEs interested in the production of high quality (multi-)functional nanocomposites on a pilot scale.
In CO-PILOT this infrastructure will be prepared for access (‘open acess’) by SME’s beyond the project. It will be able to produce typically 20 to 100 kg nanocomposite product, characterize it and validate its performance. This is sufficient to make management decisions to progress to the next step of new nanocomposite product development.

CO-PILOT aims to set new standards for high-quality nanoparticle production with the assistance of in-line nanoparticle dispersion quality monitoring.
CO-PILOT chooses to develop a centrifuge module to address the adequate and automated down-stream processing of the nanoparticle dispersions.

CO-PILOT will test and validate the pilot line infrastructure. Based on the consultation of SME nanocomposite producers, CO-PILOT has chosen the following range of industrial nanocomposite applications :
- flame and smoke inhibiting polymer materials (layered double hydroxides)
- acid scavenging used as anti-corrosion and in polymer stabilisation (layered hydroxides)
- heat isolating plastics (hollow/porous silica)
- light-weight flame inhibiting composites (layered hydroxides combined with hollow/porous
- UV protective polymer coatings (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide)
- high refractive index, visually transparent polymer (titanium dioxide)
- low-refractive index polymer (hollow/porous silica)
- anti-glare polymer coatings (hollow/porous silica)
- magnetic recoverable catalyst nano-composite beads (magnetite).
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Start date: 01-01-2015
End date: 31-12-2017
Total budget - Public funding: 5 475 358,75 Euro - 5 021 858,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The CO-PILOT project addresses the field of nanocomposites which has witnessed remarkable progress (compound annual growth rate of 18%) in recent years with many different types of nanocomposites exhibiting radically enhanced properties for a wide range of industrial applications.

The CO-PILOT project aims to develop an open access infrastructure for SMEs interested in the production of high quality (multi-)functional nanocomposites on a pilot scale.
In CO-PILOT this infrastructure will be prepared for access (‘open acess’) by SME’s beyond the project. It will be able to produce typically 20 to 100 kg nanocomposite product, characterize it and validate its performance. This is sufficient to make management decisions to progress to the next step of new nanocomposite product development.

CO-PILOT aims to set new standards for high-quality nanoparticle production with the assistance of in-line nanoparticle dispersion quality monitoring.
CO-PILOT chooses to develop a centrifuge module to address the adequate and automated down-stream processing of the nanoparticle dispersions.

CO-PILOT will test and validate the pilot line infrastructure. Based on the consultation of SME nanocomposite producers, CO-PILOT has chosen the following range of industrial nanocomposite applications :
- flame and smoke inhibiting polymer materials (layered double hydroxides)
- acid scavenging used as anti-corrosion and in polymer stabilisation (layered hydroxides)
- heat isolating plastics (hollow/porous silica)
- light-weight flame inhibiting composites (layered hydroxides combined with hollow/porous
- UV protective polymer coatings (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide)
- high refractive index, visually transparent polymer (titanium dioxide)
- low-refractive index polymer (hollow/porous silica)
- anti-glare polymer coatings (hollow/porous silica)
- magnetic recoverable catalyst nano-composite beads (magnetite).



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies
H2020-EU. Efficient and sustainable synthesis and manufacturing of nanomaterials, components and systems
NMP-01-2014 Open access pilot lines for cost-effective nanocomposites