PAN-ROBOTS | Plug And Navigate ROBOTS for smart factories

Currently modern factories for the production and packaging of mass products are organized in three main entities: - Processing branch, in which products are made. - Packaging line, which prepares and products wraps with packaging material to assure their integrity during the shipment and the final distribution to customers. - Factory logistics system, which handles the raw materials and finished products in relation with the warehouse management, and for the loading and shipment. Today, product processing and packaging have often reached a high degree of automation, in which energy consumption awareness, agile manufacturing and product customization are well addressed. For example, packaging lines are designed and deployed to allow a fast change of packaging size and pattern in order to respond promptly to production requirements. Notably, the optimization of machines management in the packaging line allows a more efficient use of the energy during production. - Factory logistics plays an important role affecting production efficiency and energy consumption. It takes care of moving raw materials and final products from and to factory warehouse and the production shop floor: Therefore, any bottleneck and inefficiency in factory logistics decreases the productivity level of the whole factory. Hence, the entire manufacturing process needs to be considered and optimized in a holistic way, including factory logistics, as well. Automation and optimization should be applied to the full manufacturing chain in order to increase the efficiency and the flexibility of the entire process, while ensuring safe operation and decreasing energy consumption. - Consequently, the factory logistics systems have to be flexible, efficient, green and safe. Flexibility is required to deal with time-varying demand, and to manage several variants of products. It is also necessary to enable smart manufacturing systems which need to be agile in order to allow easy and fast customization of the production. As always, efficiency is crucial to production costs and affects the price of the final product. In addition smart manufacturing systems must reduce waste and energy consumption (so called ‘green’). Moreover, all the operations must be executed in a robust and safe way, avoiding hazards for material and objects but above all for human workers. - To sum up, factory logistics makes a major bottleneck in production and packaging of mass products. There is, indeed, a great need to optimize also this part of the factory operations. - See more
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Start date: 01-11-2012
End date: 31-10-2015
Total budget - Public funding: 5 299 575,00 Euro - 3 333 000,00 Euro
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Today, product processing and packaging have often reached a high degree of automation, in which energy consumption, agile manufacturing and product customization are well addressed. On the other hand transportation of raw materials and final products from/to storage and shipment points usually requires the use of manually operated forklifts. However, automation and optimization should be applied to the whole manufacturing chain.Thus, factory logistics makes a major bottleneck in production and packaging of mass products.In addition today's AGV system technology is still in an early stage of development and its deployment in the factory requires a lot of effort by skilled staff.Thus, PAN-ROBOTS objective is to develop, demonstrate and validate a generic automation system for factory logistics in modern factories based on advanced Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV).PAN-ROBOTS consortium proposes a new generation of flexible, cost effective, safe and green AGVs in combination with advanced infrastructure systems. Those advanced AGVs will be able to transport material and products in modern factories based on autonomous on-board path planning and navigation to enable high flexibility. The perception system to guide the AGVs through the factory will be based on a novel cooperative approach. Advanced on-board sensors will be combined with infrastructure sensors to enhance the cost effectiveness and increase safety. The fleet management will be intuitive and easy to use by workers without specialized training. In addition the installation time and costs will be dramatically reduced by semi-automated plant exploration supported by a localization approach utilizing already existing landmarks and an advanced pallet handling system which detects and picks the pallets autonomously.Finally, the developed generic system will be exemplarily validated in the production process of a bottling company and against the needs provided by the already established PAN-ROBOTS user group.



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