MY FISH CURE | Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics

The Zebrafish Lab is a biotechnological company leader in the development and commercialization of novel, tailor-made solutions based on in vivo zebrafish assays. Thanks to the extensive knowledge acquired by the R&D projects performed in the field by our team for many years and a close collaboration with Hospitals and Cancer Research Institutions, we have identified a remarkable opportunity in MY FISH CURE project that will mean a 5-year after tax-R.O.I of 490% according to our estimations.
The ultimate goal of the project presented as MY FISH CURE is to complete the clinical studies required to bring to the healthcare market a novel real time in vivo platform for personalized cancer treatment based on the use of zebrafish “avatars” as personalized, living test tubes.
Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality with approx. 35 million people affected by this disease and more than 7 million deaths per year. A major difficulty found in effective cancer treatment is the complexity of the biological mechanism underlying cancer onset and disease progression. As such, different people respond differently to the same therapy. Personalized cancer therapy can provide a solution to these challenges in cancer treatment.
In MY FISH CURE project we seek overcoming the mayor barriers currently preventing the use of zebrafish avatars as in vivo models for patient-directed interventions, so for their use in a clinical context instead of a research or drug development context. Thanks to MY FISH CURE project, we will become the first company in the world offering zebrafish avatar models for personalized cancer care.
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Start date: 01-08-2016
End date: 31-01-2017
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The Zebrafish Lab is a biotechnological company leader in the development and commercialization of novel, tailor-made solutions based on in vivo zebrafish assays. Thanks to the extensive knowledge acquired by the R&D projects performed in the field by our team for many years and a close collaboration with Hospitals and Cancer Research Institutions, we have identified a remarkable opportunity in MY FISH CURE project that will mean a 5-year after tax-R.O.I of 490% according to our estimations.
The ultimate goal of the project presented as MY FISH CURE is to complete the clinical studies required to bring to the healthcare market a novel real time in vivo platform for personalized cancer treatment based on the use of zebrafish “avatars” as personalized, living test tubes.
Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality with approx. 35 million people affected by this disease and more than 7 million deaths per year. A major difficulty found in effective cancer treatment is the complexity of the biological mechanism underlying cancer onset and disease progression. As such, different people respond differently to the same therapy. Personalized cancer therapy can provide a solution to these challenges in cancer treatment.
In MY FISH CURE project we seek overcoming the mayor barriers currently preventing the use of zebrafish avatars as in vivo models for patient-directed interventions, so for their use in a clinical context instead of a research or drug development context. Thanks to MY FISH CURE project, we will become the first company in the world offering zebrafish avatar models for personalized cancer care.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.1. Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument
SMEInst-05-2016-2017 Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector
H2020-EU.3.1. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being
H2020-EU.3.1.0. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-05-2016-2017 Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector
H2020-EU.3.1.3. Treating and managing disease
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-05-2016-2017 Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector
SMEInst-05-2016-2017 Supporting innovative SMEs in the healthcare biotechnology sector