SPIDIA4P | SPIDIA for Personalized Medicine - Standardisation of generic Pre-analytical procedures for In-vitro DIAgnostics for Personalized Medicine

Molecular in vitro diagnostics and biomedical research have allowed great progress in personalised medicine but further progress is limited by insufficient guidelines for pre-analytical workflow steps (sample collection, preservation, storage, transport, processing etc.) as well as by insufficient quality assurance of diagnostic practice. This allows using compromised patients’ samples with post collection changes in cellular and extra-cellular biomolecules’ profiles thus often making diagnostic test results unreliable or even impossible. To tackle this, SPIDA4P aims to generate and implement a comprehensive portfolio of 22 pan-European pre-analytical CEN/Technical Specifications and ISO/International Standards, addressing the important pre-analytical workflows applied to personalized medicine. These will also applicable to biomarker discovery, development and validation as well as to biobanks. Corresponding External Quality Assurance (EQA) Schemes will be developed and implemented as well, aiming to survey the resulting quality of samples and diagnostic practice. SPIDIA4P will ensure stakeholder organisations involvements as well as training, education, and counselling as additional major foci of the project. The consortium will closely coordinate with large European public research consortia to obtain access to research and validation studies data serving as evidence for the new standards developments and achieved improvements of diagnosis, patient stratification and prognosis of disease outcome.
At this crucial moment in the development of personalised medicine, SPIDIA4P proposes a coordination and support action that reunites 19 highly experienced partners in international standardisation for in vitro diagnostics, coming from private industry including SMEs, public institutions and from one official European Standards Organisation. This strong consortium is balanced and empowered to maximise the impacts of in vitro diagnostics on personalised medicine.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/733112
Start date: 01-01-2017
End date: 30-06-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 2 079 053,75 Euro - 1 999 972,00 Euro
Cordis data

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Molecular in vitro diagnostics and biomedical research have allowed great progress in personalised medicine but further progress is limited by insufficient guidelines for pre-analytical workflow steps (sample collection, preservation, storage, transport, processing etc.) as well as by insufficient quality assurance of diagnostic practice. This allows using compromised patients’ samples with post collection changes in cellular and extra-cellular biomolecules’ profiles thus often making diagnostic test results unreliable or even impossible. To tackle this, SPIDA4P aims to generate and implement a comprehensive portfolio of 22 pan-European pre-analytical CEN/Technical Specifications and ISO/International Standards, addressing the important pre-analytical workflows applied to personalized medicine. These will also applicable to biomarker discovery, development and validation as well as to biobanks. Corresponding External Quality Assurance (EQA) Schemes will be developed and implemented as well, aiming to survey the resulting quality of samples and diagnostic practice. SPIDIA4P will ensure stakeholder organisations involvements as well as training, education, and counselling as additional major foci of the project. The consortium will closely coordinate with large European public research consortia to obtain access to research and validation studies data serving as evidence for the new standards developments and achieved improvements of diagnosis, patient stratification and prognosis of disease outcome.
At this crucial moment in the development of personalised medicine, SPIDIA4P proposes a coordination and support action that reunites 19 highly experienced partners in international standardisation for in vitro diagnostics, coming from private industry including SMEs, public institutions and from one official European Standards Organisation. This strong consortium is balanced and empowered to maximise the impacts of in vitro diagnostics on personalised medicine.



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