PIPPI | Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation

The digital transformation of healthcare asks for the procurement of innovative solutions for which public-private collaborations are essential. These collaborations are often reactive and not fully connected with the needs and specifications of the healthcare professionals. To address this challenge, the demand side should be in the driver seat in innovation procurement for healthcare. Therefore, the PIPPI project will create a cross-border Community of Practice of European university hospitals that will bring together experts from the demand and supply side to identify common clinical needs for digital healthcare solutions and procurement of innovation knowledge. The consortium includes 7 major European university hospitals offering expertise on digital healthcare, patient-centered care and procurement with the ultimate aim to solve shared clinical challenges.

The project will engage relevant stakeholders involved throughout the innovation procurement process at a regional, national and European level. The consortium with its network partners such as industry and payers of healthcare, will gather best practices, and develop structural capital and tools around procurement that will be shared through a knowledge brokerage platform on an European level by actors involved in, planning or interested in procurement of innovation. The consortium will identify major clinical needs from 10 university hospitals spread around Europe and compile a short-list of challenges that are suitable to solve with digital solutions and for procurement of innovation. This shortlist will be the base for a feasibility study and preparation of a concrete cross-border PCP.

To secure the future use of project results, including long-term assessment and monitoring of outcomes, the PIPPI project will develop a business and implementation plan with the ultimate aim to improve patient outcome, decrease healthcare costs, create growth for European life science industry and create new markets.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/826157
Start date: 01-12-2018
End date: 31-05-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 2 996 000,00 Euro - 2 996 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The digital transformation of healthcare asks for the procurement of innovative solutions for which public-private collaborations are essential. These collaborations are often reactive and not fully connected with the needs and specifications of the healthcare professionals. To address this challenge, the demand side should be in the driver seat in innovation procurement for healthcare. Therefore, the PIPPI project will create a cross-border Community of Practice of European university hospitals that will bring together experts from the demand and supply side to identify common clinical needs for digital healthcare solutions and procurement of innovation knowledge. The consortium includes 7 major European university hospitals offering expertise on digital healthcare, patient-centered care and procurement with the ultimate aim to solve shared clinical challenges.

The project will engage relevant stakeholders involved throughout the innovation procurement process at a regional, national and European level. The consortium with its network partners such as industry and payers of healthcare, will gather best practices, and develop structural capital and tools around procurement that will be shared through a knowledge brokerage platform on an European level by actors involved in, planning or interested in procurement of innovation. The consortium will identify major clinical needs from 10 university hospitals spread around Europe and compile a short-list of challenges that are suitable to solve with digital solutions and for procurement of innovation. This shortlist will be the base for a feasibility study and preparation of a concrete cross-border PCP.

To secure the future use of project results, including long-term assessment and monitoring of outcomes, the PIPPI project will develop a business and implementation plan with the ultimate aim to improve patient outcome, decrease healthcare costs, create growth for European life science industry and create new markets.



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