EUROPA project will develop an Energy Efficiency Subscription (a set of technical specifications, procedures and standard contractual arrangements) ensuring guaranteed energy savings from the deep renovation of residential buildings. This will be coupled with a technical assistance service, in the form of a one stop shop, enabling coordination and support in the end users investment journey.
The Energy Efficiency Subscription will consider standards for products and for the level of expertise of craftsmen and professionals, it will define technical standard investment packages and the contractual specifications with the level of performance to be guaranteed. It will also consider the measurement and verification procedure of the performance after the renovation works. The set of standards and specifications will be based on a common format, tailored to the framework conditions of the involved regions and delivered via a web platform.
The coordination and support action will include activities for the promotion of deep energy renovation in the residential building sector working on motivation for end users, engaging market operators as subscribers and by offering a technical assistance service in order to make sure that standards are met and investments intentions turns into reality. The project will save 10 GWh of primary energy and it will trigger 37 million Euro of concrete sustainable energy investments in the following regions: Piemonte (IT), Alto Alentejo (PT), Allgau (DE), Isère (FR) and Latvia, involving the renovation of more than 1000 dwellings.
Besides, the project will ensure the replicability of the approach across Europe with a customized training activity offered to at least 20 organizations and other dissemination activities in order to widespread the project impact. A mutual learning activity will follow the project partners during the project implementation ensuring knowledge exchange and the strengthening of their technical and soft skills.
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Start date: 01-10-2020
End date: 30-09-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 1 916 425,00 Euro - 1 916 425,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

EUROPA project will develop an Energy Efficiency Subscription (a set of technical specifications, procedures and standard contractual arrangements) ensuring guaranteed energy savings from the deep renovation of residential buildings. This will be coupled with a technical assistance service, in the form of a one stop shop, enabling coordination and support in the end users investment journey.
The Energy Efficiency Subscription will consider standards for products and for the level of expertise of craftsmen and professionals, it will define technical standard investment packages and the contractual specifications with the level of performance to be guaranteed. It will also consider the measurement and verification procedure of the performance after the renovation works. The set of standards and specifications will be based on a common format, tailored to the framework conditions of the involved regions and delivered via a web platform.
The coordination and support action will include activities for the promotion of deep energy renovation in the residential building sector working on motivation for end users, engaging market operators as subscribers and by offering a technical assistance service in order to make sure that standards are met and investments intentions turns into reality. The project will save 10 GWh of primary energy and it will trigger 37 million Euro of concrete sustainable energy investments in the following regions: Piemonte (IT), Alto Alentejo (PT), Allgau (DE), Isère (FR) and Latvia, involving the renovation of more than 1000 dwellings.
Besides, the project will ensure the replicability of the approach across Europe with a customized training activity offered to at least 20 organizations and other dissemination activities in order to widespread the project impact. A mutual learning activity will follow the project partners during the project implementation ensuring knowledge exchange and the strengthening of their technical and soft skills.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.1. Reducing energy consumption and carbon foorpint by smart and sustainable use
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
LC-SC3-B4E-1-2020 Towards highly energy efficient and decarbonised buildings
H2020-EU.3.3.7. Market uptake of energy innovation - building on Intelligent Energy Europe
LC-SC3-B4E-1-2020 Towards highly energy efficient and decarbonised buildings