EnPC-INTRANS | Capacity Building on Energy Performance Contracting in European Markets in Transition

A project proposed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Baden-Württemberg/Germany and European competence centres on Energy Performance Contracting (EnPC) in Croatia, Greece and Slovenia, a competence centre for e-learning in Slovakia, and key actors for the promotion of EnPC at the local level in Latvia, Serbia, Romania and Ukraine.
Objective of EnPC-INTRANS is to increase the market uptake of technologies for the improvement of energy efficiency (EE) in public buildings and services by means of fostering private sector participation in innovative financing schemes for EE investments. This will be achieved by means of implementing large-scale capacity building for local public authorities and SMEs to jointly set-up and use adapted EnPC models for EE services (topic 3 in the scope of the EE21 call).
European best practices in EnPC are adapted to local conditions (WP2) and presented to relevant target groups in the partner countries (WP3). Training needs of local public authorities and SMEs are assessed in intensive stakeholder dialogue, providing the basis for design and implementation of efficient training concepts and tools making use of advanced on-line technologies for European-wide capacity development (WP3). Trainers are trained throughout the partners’ networks (WP4) and the developed training concepts and tools are demonstrated in national and international cooperation seminars (WP5). The achieved impact of large-scale capacity development on the European market for EnPC projects is continuously monitored and evaluated (WP6), and the project results are disseminated to all EU28 member states (WP7).
At least 50 trained trainers and 3,000 trained experts will directly benefit from the project and cater for the initiation and development of EnPC projects in partner countries and beyond, providing for energy savings of more than 60 GWh per year when implemented. (The lead Partner) GIZ has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the implementation of the project ‘Energy Efficiency in Municipalities’ in the Ukraine. The EC through this Horizon 2020 project thus contributes complementarily to achieving the overall objectives of the BMZ-funded project as the BMZ-funded project supports the implementation of the EU Horizon project. None of the activities covered by this work programme are funded by any other funding.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/649639
Start date: 01-03-2015
End date: 28-02-2017
Total budget - Public funding: 1 922 870,85 Euro - 1 922 870,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

A project proposed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Baden-Württemberg/Germany and European competence centres on Energy Performance Contracting (EnPC) in Croatia, Greece and Slovenia, a competence centre for e-learning in Slovakia, and key actors for the promotion of EnPC at the local level in Latvia, Serbia, Romania and Ukraine.
Objective of EnPC-INTRANS is to increase the market uptake of technologies for the improvement of energy efficiency (EE) in public buildings and services by means of fostering private sector participation in innovative financing schemes for EE investments. This will be achieved by means of implementing large-scale capacity building for local public authorities and SMEs to jointly set-up and use adapted EnPC models for EE services (topic 3 in the scope of the EE21 call).
European best practices in EnPC are adapted to local conditions (WP2) and presented to relevant target groups in the partner countries (WP3). Training needs of local public authorities and SMEs are assessed in intensive stakeholder dialogue, providing the basis for design and implementation of efficient training concepts and tools making use of advanced on-line technologies for European-wide capacity development (WP3). Trainers are trained throughout the partners’ networks (WP4) and the developed training concepts and tools are demonstrated in national and international cooperation seminars (WP5). The achieved impact of large-scale capacity development on the European market for EnPC projects is continuously monitored and evaluated (WP6), and the project results are disseminated to all EU28 member states (WP7).
At least 50 trained trainers and 3,000 trained experts will directly benefit from the project and cater for the initiation and development of EnPC projects in partner countries and beyond, providing for energy savings of more than 60 GWh per year when implemented. (The lead Partner) GIZ has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the implementation of the project ‘Energy Efficiency in Municipalities’ in the Ukraine. The EC through this Horizon 2020 project thus contributes complementarily to achieving the overall objectives of the BMZ-funded project as the BMZ-funded project supports the implementation of the EU Horizon project. None of the activities covered by this work programme are funded by any other funding.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.7. Market uptake of energy innovation - building on Intelligent Energy Europe
EE-21-2014 Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy