HEROES | Hybrid EneRgy stOragE Stations

Electric vehicles (EV) are expected to play a key role towards a decarbonised transport system and thus contribute to meet EU’s ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the wide adoption of EVs has been hampered by key barriers, particularly the lack of a well distributed infrastructure for fast and widespread charging. The main objective of HEROES is the development and demonstration of a disruptive hybrid high power/high energy stationary storage system for fast charging of EVs (17.5 min) to be used in medium-size charging stations connected to the LV grid. The system will take advantage of combining state-of-the-art Li-ion capacitor (LiC) with high power and high energy densities, with Li-ion batteries (LiBs) to store high amounts of energy and serve as back-up when the charging demand of EVs surpasses the LiC and grid connection capacity. The combination will bring a higher efficiency and better performance of the system, as well as longer battery life, as the LiC can protect the LiB from accelerated degradation, more energy from battery cells, simpler and cheaper management, and lower overall system cost, all with a strong sustainable drive. The HEROES system will be a key enabler for the widespread fast charging of EVs, cost-effectively, without the need for major investments in the grid.

To achieve this overall objective, the project will include research and development activities of key technological enablers such as the LiC cells and modules, a new Battery Management System, a DC/DC converter specifically developed for high input and output voltage ranges, and Energy Management System (EMS). The prototype system will be demonstrated for the fast charging of EVs in operational environment. The consortium includes partners that cover the full value chain of energy storage, placing the consortium in a perfect position to develop scientific and technological breakthroughs as well as seizing novel market opportunities.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/963574
Start date: 01-05-2021
End date: 31-08-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 4 137 525,00 Euro - 4 137 525,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Electric vehicles (EV) are expected to play a key role towards a decarbonised transport system and thus contribute to meet EU’s ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the wide adoption of EVs has been hampered by key barriers, particularly the lack of a well distributed infrastructure for fast and widespread charging. The main objective of HEROES is the development and demonstration of a disruptive hybrid high power/high energy stationary storage system for fast charging of EVs (23 min) to be used in medium-size charging stations connected to the LV grid. The system will take advantage of combining state-of-the-art Li-ion capacitor (LiC) with high power and high energy densities, with Li-ion batteries (LiBs) to store high amounts of energy and serve as back-up when the charging demand of EVs surpasses the LiC and grid connection capacity. The combination will bring a higher efficiency and better performance of the system, as well as longer battery life, as the LiC can protect the LiB from accelerated degradation, more energy from battery cells, simpler and cheaper management, and lower overall system cost, all with a strong sustainable drive. The HEROES system will be a key enabler for the widespread fast charging of EVs, cost-effectively, without the need for major investments in the grid.

To achieve this overall objective, the project will include research and development activities of key technological enablers such as the LiC cells and modules, a new Battery Management System, a DC/DC converter specifically developed for high input and output voltage ranges, and Energy Management System (EMS). The prototype system will be demonstrated for the fast charging of EVs in operational environment. The consortium includes partners that cover the full value chain of energy storage, placing the consortium in a perfect position to develop scientific and technological breakthroughs as well as seizing novel market opportunities.



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