INTENSYS4EU aims at addressing the SET-Plan identified novel interacting integration challenges, where
- the consumer becomes active and is put at the center of the energy system,
- a demand focus that increases energy efficiency across the energy system,
- an energy system optimization leading to a secure, cost-effective, clean and competitive energy supply.
Energy networks are critical to successfully address the above integration challenges. The project managed by four independent players (ZABALA Innovation Consulting (coordinator), TECHNOFI, RSE and BACHER Energie) involves the technical expertise of the members of four associations (ENTSO-E, EDSO, EASE and EERA) to implement parallel processes in view of defining and implementing a novel approach to the subsequent RD&I strategy for energy networks.
The INTENSYS4EU project objectives are :
-To provide strategic guidance about the R&I activities (low to high TRL, priorities) raised by the integration issues of the electricity system into the wider European energy system
-To interact with the stakeholders of the ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) at European level as well as the ETIP stakeholders at national and international level.
- Setting several long term energy scenarios at European level
- Analyzing the on-going research, development and innovation projects in the EU and, when relevant at Member State levels
- Enhancing collaboration between projects through a support to the on-going BRIDGE process initiated by the European Commission for the funded R&I projects of Horizon 2020
- Maximizing cross border knowledge sharing about energy system optimization through interaction with national level players
- Supporting in fine-tuning the development of an upgraded draft R&I roadmap and its yearly implementation plans for approval at SET plan level,covering integrated network solutions of low (TRL=2) and high (TRL=8) maturity.
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Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 30-09-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 4 325 791,00 Euro - 3 998 284,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

INTENSYS4EU aims at addressing the SET-Plan identified novel interacting integration challenges, where
- the consumer becomes active and is put at the center of the energy system,
- a demand focus that increases energy efficiency across the energy system,
- an energy system optimization leading to a secure, cost-effective, clean and competitive energy supply.
Energy networks are critical to successfully address the above integration challenges. The project managed by four independent players (ZABALA Innovation Consulting (coordinator), TECHNOFI, RSE and BACHER Energie) involves the technical expertise of the members of four associations (ENTSO-E, EDSO, EASE and EERA) to implement parallel processes in view of defining and implementing a novel approach to the subsequent RD&I strategy for energy networks.
The INTENSYS4EU project objectives are :
-To provide strategic guidance about the R&I activities (low to high TRL, priorities) raised by the integration issues of the electricity system into the wider European energy system
-To interact with the stakeholders of the ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) at European level as well as the ETIP stakeholders at national and international level.
- Setting several long term energy scenarios at European level
- Analyzing the on-going research, development and innovation projects in the EU and, when relevant at Member State levels
- Enhancing collaboration between projects through a support to the on-going BRIDGE process initiated by the European Commission for the funded R&I projects of Horizon 2020
- Maximizing cross border knowledge sharing about energy system optimization through interaction with national level players
- Supporting in fine-tuning the development of an upgraded draft R&I roadmap and its yearly implementation plans for approval at SET plan level,covering integrated network solutions of low (TRL=2) and high (TRL=8) maturity.



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