SOSLeM | Solid Oxide Stack Lean Manufacturing

The proposed SOSLeM project will contribute to the call objectives by improving production processes as well as developing and applying novel manufacturing technologies for FC stacks. The improvements proposed by the project will sum up to a reduction of manufacturing costs of about 70%, leading to decreased capital cost of about 2.500 €/kW.
Besides these outstanding economical and technical improvements, production material will be spared and environmental benefits will be realized. Specifically, the project will:
- Develop new and optimized processes for cassettes production, by avoidance brushing of cassettes, improved sealing adhesion on cassettes, automation of welding, lean manufacturing processes and anode contact layer laser welding,
- Improve stack preparation, by advanced glass curing and stack conditioning and improved gas stations,
- Enable environmental benefits by Cu-based instead of Co-based powder and evaluation of On-site Nickel removal from waste water
- Reduce production time and costs and improve flexibility, by large furnace arrangement, introduction of a multi-stack production station, examination of substituting Co-based powder by Cu-based power,
Examination of partially substituting Co-based powder by enamel coating and simultaneous sintering.
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Start date: 01-04-2016
End date: 31-03-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 2 944 176,25 Euro - 1 994 301,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The proposed SOSLeM project will contribute to the call objectives by improving production processes as well as developing and applying novel manufacturing technologies for FC stacks. The improvements proposed by the project will sum up to a reduction of manufacturing costs of about 70%, leading to decreased capital cost of about 2.500 €/kW.
Besides these outstanding economical and technical improvements, production material will be spared and environmental benefits will be realized. Specifically, the project will:
- Develop new and optimized processes for cassettes production, by avoidance brushing of cassettes, improved sealing adhesion on cassettes, automation of welding, lean manufacturing processes and anode contact layer laser welding,
- Improve stack preparation, by advanced glass curing and stack conditioning and improved gas stations,
- Enable environmental benefits by Cu-based instead of Co-based powder and evaluation of On-site Nickel removal from waste water
- Reduce production time and costs and improve flexibility, by large furnace arrangement, introduction of a multi-stack production station, examination of substituting Co-based powder by Cu-based power,
Examination of partially substituting Co-based powder by enamel coating and simultaneous sintering.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.8. FCH2 (energy objectives)
H2020-EU. Increase the electrical efficiency and the durability of the different fuel cells used for power production to levels which can compete with conventional technologies, while reducing costs
FCH-02.6-2015 Development of cost effective manufacturing technologies for key components or fuel cell systems