HyResponder | European Hydrogen Train the Trainer Programme for Responders

The aim of the HyResponder project is to develop and implement a sustainable trainer the trainer programme in hydrogen safety for responders throughout Europe, supporting the commercialisation of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies by informing responders involved in the permitting process, improving resilience and preparedness, and ensuring appropriate accident management and recovery. The specific objectives of the project include the development of clear and updated operational, virtual reality, and educational training for trainers of responders to reflect the state-of-the-art in hydrogen safety. The European Emergency Response Guide for responders will be revised to reflect advancements. The materials will incorporate identified intervention strategies and tactics for liquefied hydrogen applications. A Pan-European Network of responder trainers will be established and trainers from at least 10 European countries will attend a bespoke course in hydrogen safety pertinent to responders. Using feedback from the network on national specificities, educational training materials will be adapted where required to reflect regional peculiarities. The materials for responders will be translated and made available in 8 languages via an e-Platform. The translated materials will be utilised by the newly trained trainers to deliver workshops in 10 countries across Europe enhancing the reach and impact of the programme. National Training Clusters will be developed to consolidate links between the hydrogen safety and responder communities and to support the delivery of workshops at a national level. Through the establishment of an International e-forum for responders, and the integration of the translated materials in the e-Platform, it is anticipated that a sustainable pan-European training programme in hydrogen safety for responders will be developed, which will be recognised as the standard in hydrogen safety training across Europe.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/875089
Start date: 01-01-2020
End date: 31-05-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 1 000 000,00 Euro - 1 000 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of the HyResponder project is to develop and implement a sustainable trainer the trainer programme in hydrogen safety for responders throughout Europe, supporting the commercialisation of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies by informing responders involved in the permitting process, improving resilience and preparedness, and ensuring appropriate accident management and recovery. The specific objectives of the project include the development of clear and updated operational, virtual reality, and educational training for trainers of responders to reflect the state-of-the-art in hydrogen safety. The European Emergency Response Guide for responders will be revised to reflect advancements. The materials will incorporate identified intervention strategies and tactics for liquefied hydrogen applications. A Pan-European Network of responder trainers will be established and trainers from at least 10 European countries will attend a bespoke course in hydrogen safety pertinent to responders. Using feedback from the network on national specificities, educational training materials will be adapted where required to reflect regional peculiarities. The materials for responders will be translated and made available in 8 languages via an e-Platform. The translated materials will be utilised by the newly trained trainers to deliver workshops in 10 countries across Europe enhancing the reach and impact of the programme. National Training Clusters will be developed to consolidate links between the hydrogen safety and responder communities and to support the delivery of workshops at a national level. Through the establishment of an International e-forum for responders, and the integration of the translated materials in the e-Platform, it is anticipated that a sustainable pan-European training programme in hydrogen safety for responders will be developed, which will be recognised as the standard in hydrogen safety training across Europe.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.8. FCH2 (energy objectives)
FCH-04-1-2019 Training of Responders
H2020-EU.3.4. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport
H2020-EU.3.4.6. FCH2 (transport objectives)
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
FCH-04-1-2019 Training of Responders