ENERINVEST | ENERINVEST Spanish Sustainable Energy financing Platform

The technical and economic viability of sustainable energy projects is of great interest to public institutions, businesses and individuals due to the associated energy savings and the additional economic and environmental benefits. The EU has articulated numerous mechanisms to encourage the mobilization of investment in terms of sustainable energy, and in Spain there are currently several of them applied to finance such projects. However, there is a set of barriers that hinders a greater development of them, standing out the lacks of:
- trust among investors in financial viability;
- public and private capabilities in project structuring; and
- emblematic successful cases that can be a reference model.

ENERINVEST addresses those issues by creating a consulting platform which will provide financial, technical and legal solutions to sustainable energy, facilitating the dialogue among the different stakeholders involved. ENERINVEST aims to become the reference Spanish platform in the field of sustainable energy projects financing, which covers the existing gap between the financial sector and the sustainable energy sector, hence, promoting a higher and more efficient investment in sustainable energy projects.

This work is translated in:
- gathering and organizing all current information, regulation and existing financial models in Spain;
- identifying and promoting successful cases of innovative financial models;
- creating an e-platform with an assessment and meeting tool for preliminary market assessments;
- establishing working groups with stakeholders to join forces for the promotion of financial mechanisms for the execution of sustainable energy projects;
- developing communication activities of the platform to foster its visibility and disseminating the results

The main interested parties in ENERINVEST’s activities and results are the following target groups: projects promoters; financial entities, investors and policy makers and other stakeholders in energy and financing.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/695822
Start date: 01-02-2016
End date: 31-03-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 1 926 958,75 Euro - 1 926 958,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The technical and economic viability of sustainable energy projects is of great interest to public institutions, businesses and individuals due to the associated energy savings and the additional economic and environmental benefits. The EU has articulated numerous mechanisms to encourage the mobilization of investment in terms of sustainable energy, and in Spain there are currently several of them applied to finance such projects. However, there is a set of barriers that hinders a greater development of them, standing out the lacks of:
- trust among investors in financial viability;
- public and private capabilities in project structuring; and
- emblematic successful cases that can be a reference model.

ENERINVEST addresses those issues by creating a consulting platform which will provide financial, technical and legal solutions to sustainable energy, facilitating the dialogue among the different stakeholders involved. ENERINVEST aims to become the reference Spanish platform in the field of sustainable energy projects financing, which covers the existing gap between the financial sector and the sustainable energy sector, hence, promoting a higher and more efficient investment in sustainable energy projects.

This work is translated in:
- gathering and organizing all current information, regulation and existing financial models in Spain;
- identifying and promoting successful cases of innovative financial models;
- creating an e-platform with an assessment and meeting tool for preliminary market assessments;
- establishing working groups with stakeholders to join forces for the promotion of financial mechanisms for the execution of sustainable energy projects;
- developing communication activities of the platform to foster its visibility and disseminating the results

The main interested parties in ENERINVEST’s activities and results are the following target groups: projects promoters; financial entities, investors and policy makers and other stakeholders in energy and financing.



Call topic


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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.7. Market uptake of energy innovation - building on Intelligent Energy Europe
EE-19-2015 Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments