LEVEL EEI | Level the playing field for Energy Efficiency Investment products

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Sustainable Energy (SE) Investments face a finance gap. To help addressing this gap, the project aims at making the financial products contributing to EE/SE more competitive.

In the context of the reforms introduced by the EC on investors’ duties, financial advisors have now an obligation to take into account the environmental objectives of their clients and beneficiaries. Our preliminary findings suggest that 2/3 of end-users have such objectives. Building on these findings and the reform, the project will reveal the demand for environmental products, through surveys in 8 countries (360M citizens). We will then verify that end-users ‘walk the talk’ through behavioral science field experiments.

The second part of the project will focus on the offer of “green” products: our lawyers will analyze the compliance of the green marketing claims associated with financial products, and recommend best practices and an evolution of the regulatory framework. To help product manufacturers further improve their practices, we will design and pilot-test an environmental management framework for financial products and help strengthen the draft criteria of the related future EU Eco-label.

Finally, to enable the deployment of our solutions across Europe, we will develop a toolkit for both product manufacturers and distributors including an online questionnaire for clients and a database of environmental financial products.

The expected impact is to leverage the demand from end-users to push environmental objectives into institutional investors investment strategies, and introduce proper environmental management to ensure that these objectives are translated into additional EE/SE investments in the real economy.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/894345
Start date: 01-09-2020
End date: 31-08-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 2 097 761,00 Euro - 2 097 761,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Sustainable Energy (SE) Investments face a finance gap. To help addressing this gap, the project aims at making the financial products contributing to EE/SE more competitive.

In the context of the reforms introduced by the EC on investors’ duties, financial advisors have now an obligation to take into account the environmental objectives of their clients and beneficiaries. Our preliminary findings suggest that 2/3 of end-users have such objectives. Building on these findings and the reform, the project will reveal the demand for environmental products, through surveys in 8 countries (360M citizens). We will then verify that end-users ‘walk the talk’ through behavioral science field experiments.

The second part of the project will focus on the offer of “green” products: our lawyers will analyze the compliance of the green marketing claims associated with financial products, and recommend best practices and an evolution of the regulatory framework. To help product manufacturers further improve their practices, we will design and pilot-test an environmental management framework for financial products and help strengthen the draft criteria of the related future EU Eco-label.

Finally, to enable the deployment of our solutions across Europe, we will develop a toolkit for both product manufacturers and distributors including an online questionnaire for clients and a database of environmental financial products.

The expected impact is to leverage the demand from end-users to push environmental objectives into institutional investors investment strategies, and introduce proper environmental management to ensure that these objectives are translated into additional EE/SE investments in the real economy.



Call topic


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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.1. Reducing energy consumption and carbon foorpint by smart and sustainable use
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020 Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance
LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020 Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance
H2020-EU.3.3.7. Market uptake of energy innovation - building on Intelligent Energy Europe
LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020 Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance
LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020 Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance