SolBio-Rev | Solar-Biomass Reversible energy system for covering a large share of energy needs in buildings

The SolBio-Rev project will develop a flexible energy system suitable for building integration based on renewables for covering a large share of energy demand (heating/cooling/electricity). Its flexibility is derived from the long-term collaboration of key industrial partners with research organisations, having in mind the large variety of EU buildings, especially non-residential (types, uses and sizes).
The overall objective is to develop a configuration based on renewables that allows covering all heating and cooling demand and a variable electricity demand (from zero up to even 100%) in a cost-effective manner. This configuration is based on solar, ambient and bioenergy, while it is suitable to be installed in various buildings types and sizes without any geographical restriction. The main technologies included have already proven their performance and they are combined with the aim to exploit all possible energy flows/sources, ensuring their cost-effectiveness compared to standard solutions.
The SolBio-Rev concept is based on solar thermal collectors with vacuum tubes combined with thermoelectrics, a cascade thermal chiller with electrical-driven heat pump for very high performance under cooling operation even at extreme hot conditions, a reversible heat pump/ORC for enhancing flexibility and switching operating modes between summer and winter, exploiting all available solar heat, and an advanced biomass boiler coupled with the above ORC for CHP operation. A smart control is also envisaged to manage and optimise the system operation with user-friendly features. The project also includes dissemination and communication activities to ensure outreach of its results, as well as an active participation of end-users and installers in the technology development. Moreover, exploitation activities include long-term deployment path development through a technology roadmap.
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Start date: 01-05-2019
End date: 30-04-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 4 790 536,00 Euro - 4 790 536,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The SolBio-Rev project will develop a flexible energy system suitable for building integration based on renewables for covering a large share of energy demand (heating/cooling/electricity). Its flexibility is derived from the long-term collaboration of key industrial partners with research organisations, having in mind the large variety of EU buildings, especially non-residential (types, uses and sizes).
The overall objective is to develop a configuration based on renewables that allows covering all heating and cooling demand and a variable electricity demand (from zero up to even 100%) in a cost-effective manner. This configuration is based on solar, ambient and bioenergy, while it is suitable to be installed in various buildings types and sizes without any geographical restriction. The main technologies included have already proven their performance and they are combined with the aim to exploit all possible energy flows/sources, ensuring their cost-effectiveness compared to standard solutions.
The SolBio-Rev concept is based on solar thermal collectors with vacuum tubes combined with thermoelectrics, a cascade thermal chiller with electrical-driven heat pump for very high performance under cooling operation even at extreme hot conditions, a reversible heat pump/ORC for enhancing flexibility and switching operating modes between summer and winter, exploiting all available solar heat, and an advanced biomass boiler coupled with the above ORC for CHP operation. A smart control is also envisaged to manage and optimise the system operation with user-friendly features. The project also includes dissemination and communication activities to ensure outreach of its results, as well as an active participation of end-users and installers in the technology development. Moreover, exploitation activities include long-term deployment path development through a technology roadmap.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.2. Low-cost, low-carbon energy supply
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
LC-SC3-RES-4-2018 Renewable energy system integrated at the building scale