COMSYN | Compact Gasification and Synthesis process for Transport Fuels

The aim of the COMSYN project is to develop a new BTL production concept that will reduce biofuel production cost up to 35 % compared to alternative routes. This means < 0,80 €/l production cost for diesel. The production concept is based on distributed primary conversion of various kinds of biomass residues to intermediate liquid products with small-to-medium scale (10-50 kt/a FT products) units located close to biomass resources. The primary conversion will be integrated to local heat and power production resulting in 80 % energy efficiency in biomass utilization. The FT products will be refined to high quality drop-in liquid transport fuels at existing oil refineries. The novel gasification technology will enable the use of wider feedstock basis than the current gasification processes. In addition to woody residues, the process is able to utilize straw and other agricultural residues, and various waste-derived materials which create new job opportunities and stimulate economy also close to the production sites. The produced FT-wax will be transported to existing large scale oil refinery, which will be gradually converted into biofuel refinery as the number of primary conversion plants increases.

The new technology enables decentralized production of FT-wax. All the LCE-08-2016 call objectives with respect to increased conversion efficiency, significant biofuel cost reduction, diversification of raw material base, reduction of emissions, creation of job opportunities and the flexibility and productivity of industrial processes are met.

COMSYN brings together Participants representing all competences that are needed to fulfil the project objectives. The project consortium uniquely combines top-level European SME and large industrial companies and research institutes. The expertise of all of the partners includes strong engineering, equipment and component manufacturing as well as techno-econom
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Start date: 01-05-2017
End date: 30-04-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 5 096 660,00 Euro - 5 096 660,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of the COMSYN project is to develop a new BTL production concept that will reduce biofuel production cost up to 35 % compared to alternative routes. This means < 0,80 €/l production cost for diesel. The production concept is based on distributed primary conversion of various kinds of biomass residues to intermediate liquid products with small-to-medium scale (10-50 kt/a FT products) units located close to biomass resources. The primary conversion will be integrated to local heat and power production resulting in 80 % energy efficiency in biomass utilization. The FT products will be refined to high quality drop-in liquid transport fuels at existing oil refineries. The novel gasification technology will enable the use of wider feedstock basis than the current gasification processes. In addition to woody residues, the process is able to utilize straw and other agricultural residues, and various waste-derived materials which create new job opportunities and stimulate economy also close to the production sites. The produced FT-wax will be transported to existing large scale oil refinery, which will be gradually converted into biofuel refinery as the number of primary conversion plants increases.

The new technology enables decentralized production of FT-wax. All the LCE-08-2016 call objectives with respect to increased conversion efficiency, significant biofuel cost reduction, diversification of raw material base, reduction of emissions, creation of job opportunities and the flexibility and productivity of industrial processes are met.

COMSYN brings together Participants representing all competences that are needed to fulfil the project objectives. The project consortium uniquely combines top-level European SME and large industrial companies and research institutes. The expertise of all of the partners includes strong engineering, equipment and component manufacturing as well as techno-econom



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.3. Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
LCE-08-2016-2017 Development of next generation biofuel technologies
LCE-08-2016-2017 Development of next generation biofuel technologies