CoordiNet | Large scale campaigns to demonstrate how TSO-DSO shall act in a coordinated manner to procure grid services in the most reliable and efficient way

The CoordiNet Innovation Action proposal aims to demonstrate how DSOs and TSOs shall act in a coordinated manner to procure grid services in the most reliable and efficient way through the implementation of three large scale “TSO-DSO-Consumer” demonstrations, in cooperation with market participants (and end users). The consortium will define or adapt, demonstrate and promote future standardized grid services and related market platforms to enable a seamless pan-European electricity market.
The CoordiNet consortium under the coordination of ENDESA is composed of 23 beneficiaries and 10 linked third parties from 10 different European countries. It is supported by an Advisory Board and a Stakeholders’ Forum to liaise with on-going projects in Europe and beyond. Three complete value chains of TSO-DSO-market participants constitute the backbone of the project in three demonstration macro-areas (Spain, Sweden, Greece) with ten demonstration pilots (four in Spain, four in Sweden and two in Greece) representing various boundary grid, climatic, load and generation conditions. Next to the demonstration campaigns, promising game-changer enabling technologies, such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Big data services, P2P energy trading platforms, Blockchain, Distributed ledger Technologies will be tested to explore alternative means to facilitate energy prosumers participation of small-scale energy consumers into the markets.
Over the CoordiNet demonstration areas, the extent of demonstrations provides high level of added value to extrapolate features of TSO-DSO-market collaboration on a European wide-area through the set of standardized products that will be defined and field-tested and the building blocks for a future European platform that will contribute to opening new revenue streams for consumers providing grid services. Finally, the project will provide a pathway towards a seamless pan-European electricity market with non-discriminatory access to all market participants.
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Start date: 01-01-2019
End date: 30-06-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 19 191 479,00 Euro - 15 077 587,00 Euro
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The CoordiNet Innovation Action proposal aims to demonstrate how DSOs and TSOs shall act in a coordinated manner to procure grid services in the most reliable and efficient way through the implementation of three large scale “TSO-DSO-Consumer” demonstrations, in cooperation with market participants (and end users). The consortium will define or adapt, demonstrate and promote future standardized grid services and related market platforms to enable a seamless pan-European electricity market.
The CoordiNet consortium under the coordination of ENDESA is composed of 23 beneficiaries and 10 linked third parties from 10 different European countries. It is supported by an Advisory Board and a Stakeholders’ Forum to liaise with on-going projects in Europe and beyond. Three complete value chains of TSO-DSO-market participants constitute the backbone of the project in three demonstration macro-areas (Spain, Sweden, Greece) with ten demonstration pilots (four in Spain, four in Sweden and two in Greece) representing various boundary grid, climatic, load and generation conditions. Next to the demonstration campaigns, promising game-changer enabling technologies, such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Big data services, P2P energy trading platforms, Blockchain, Distributed ledger Technologies will be tested to explore alternative means to facilitate energy prosumers participation of small-scale energy consumers into the markets.
Over the CoordiNet demonstration areas, the extent of demonstrations provides high level of added value to extrapolate features of TSO-DSO-market collaboration on a European wide-area through the set of standardized products that will be defined and field-tested and the building blocks for a future European platform that will contribute to opening new revenue streams for consumers providing grid services. Finally, the project will provide a pathway towards a seamless pan-European electricity market with non-discriminatory access to all market participants.



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