The main objective of Smart EPC project is to enable the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities of the future by utilizing existing energy efficiency services as a key for unlocking the potentials of new, emerging technologies and services. By creating advanced and smart concepts for modernization of public lighting in European cities, Smart EPC project will enable large-scale energy efficiency programs while strengthening know-how of regional/national key stakeholders.

Smart EPC project aims to integrate several key directions of the European Green Deal and Next Generation EU instrument to draw in and engage industry in providing quality public service. Use of EPC model will help in bringing together stakeholders from public and private sector to collaborate on public projects, bringing in value for money and subsequently improving the quality of life. Refurbishment of old and inefficient street lighting units will lead to reducing energy and maintenance costs, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing emissions and light pollution. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, integration of IoT technology and Smart City components with the infrastructure refurbishment can pave the way for a wide range of energy and non-energy services and applications, including public safety, traffic management, smart parking, environmental monitoring, and extended Wi-Fi and next generation of cellular communications (e.g. 5G).
To meet its ambitious goals, the project has three specific objectives:
-to develop an advanced Smart EPC concept and standardised documentation for integration of energy and non-energy services in Energy Performance Contracting;
-to demonstrate replication potential of Smart EPC concept and documentation by piloting reconstruction of public lighting;
-to initiate capacity building, replication and strong facilitation service of Smart EPC concept and standardized documentation for triggering ESCO market on EU level.
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Start date: 01-02-2022
End date: 31-01-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 1 998 396,00 Euro - 1 998 396,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The main objective of Smart EPC project is to enable the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities of the future by utilizing existing energy efficiency services as a key for unlocking the potentials of new, emerging technologies and services. By creating advanced and smart concepts for modernization of public lighting in European cities, Smart EPC project will enable large-scale energy efficiency programs while strengthening know-how of regional/national key stakeholders.

Smart EPC project aims to integrate several key directions of the European Green Deal and Next Generation EU instrument to draw in and engage industry in providing quality public service. Use of EPC model will help in bringing together stakeholders from public and private sector to collaborate on public projects, bringing in value for money and subsequently improving the quality of life. Refurbishment of old and inefficient street lighting units will lead to reducing energy and maintenance costs, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing emissions and light pollution. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, integration of IoT technology and Smart City components with the infrastructure refurbishment can pave the way for a wide range of energy and non-energy services and applications, including public safety, traffic management, smart parking, environmental monitoring, and extended Wi-Fi and next generation of cellular communications (e.g. 5G).
To meet its ambitious goals, the project has three specific objectives:
-to develop an advanced Smart EPC concept and standardised documentation for integration of energy and non-energy services in Energy Performance Contracting;
-to demonstrate replication potential of Smart EPC concept and documentation by piloting reconstruction of public lighting;
-to initiate capacity building, replication and strong facilitation service of Smart EPC concept and standardized documentation for triggering ESCO market on EU level.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.0. Cross-cutting call topics
LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020 Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side
LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020 Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side