The LEILAC2 (Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement) project will pilot a breakthrough technology that aims to enable Europe’s cement and lime industries to capture their unavoidable process carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for minimal energy penalty (just compression).
Responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions, low-cost, fast, and effective options are urgently needed for the cement and lime industries.
Building on the success of the previously H2020 LEILAC1 project – capturing around 5% of a typical cement plant’s process CO2 emissions – the LEILAC2 project seeks to scale -up to around 20% of a typical cement plant’s process CO2 emissions in a deployable and scalable module; demonstrate the use of multiple fuel sources (particularly electricity with rapid ramping to enable renewable load-balancing); and show how it can be immediately, cheaply and incrementally or fully retrofitted to all cement plants.
This will be achieved by building a demonstration plant alongside an operational cement plant in Europe: allowing 100ktpa of pure CO2 to be captured – and four business cases will be investigated for the near-term use or storage. Due to the purity of the captured CO2 (there are no new chemicals or additives), there is already interest from CO2 users. As an early mover in the heart of industrial Europe, LEILAC 2 would actively develop a CO2 hub, with onshore and offshore storage options being investigated. Engaging with all relevant stakeholders will be critical: CO2 producers and users, transport and storage operators, and most importantly the public – conducting Social Impact analysis, and extensive bespoke dissemination. The most feasible storage or use option will then result in a final business case being developed.
The significant industrial partners involved in this project – contributing around €19m of funding - testifies to the interest of the cement and lime industries.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/884170
Start date: 01-04-2020
End date: 31-03-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 34 675 725,00 Euro - 15 994 730,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The LEILAC2 (Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement) project will pilot a breakthrough technology that aims to enable Europe’s cement and lime industries to capture their unavoidable process carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for minimal energy penalty (just compression).
Responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions, low-cost, fast, and effective options are urgently needed for the cement and lime industries.
Building on the success of the previously H2020 LEILAC1 project – capturing around 5% of a typical cement plant’s process CO2 emissions – the LEILAC2 project seeks to scale -up to around 20% of a typical cement plant’s process CO2 emissions in a deployable and scalable module; demonstrate the use of multiple fuel sources (particularly electricity with rapid ramping to enable renewable load-balancing); and show how it can be immediately, cheaply and incrementally or fully retrofitted to all cement plants.
This will be achieved by building a demonstration plant alongside an operational cement plant in Europe: allowing 100ktpa of pure CO2 to be captured – and four business cases will be investigated for the near-term use or storage. Due to the purity of the captured CO2 (there are no new chemicals or additives), there is already interest from CO2 users. As an early mover in the heart of industrial Europe, LEILAC 2 would actively develop a CO2 hub, with onshore and offshore storage options being investigated. Engaging with all relevant stakeholders will be critical: CO2 producers and users, transport and storage operators, and most importantly the public – conducting Social Impact analysis, and extensive bespoke dissemination. The most feasible storage or use option will then result in a final business case being developed.
The significant industrial partners involved in this project – contributing around €19m of funding - testifies to the interest of the cement and lime industries.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Secure, clean and efficient energy
H2020-EU.3.3.2. Low-cost, low-carbon energy supply
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
LC-SC3-NZE-5-2019-2020 Low carbon industrial production using CCUS