STARGATE | SusTainable AiRports, the Green heArT of Europe

STARGATE is the response of a consortium of 22 entities led by Brussels Airport committing to create green airports as multimodal hubs for sustainable and smart mobility. STARGATE follows an ambitious strategy to impactfully contribute to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the European air transport ecosystem. The mission of the STARGATE consortium is to develop, test and deploy a set of innovative solutions making the airport ecosystem significantly more sustainable. Our vision is to build with STARGATE a benchmark and be source of inspiration to other airports in Europe and the world.
STARGATE is grounded on five main pillars. The first one is the application of a Digital Twin ecosystem for airports and extensive development to model the Lighthouse Airport, its transport flows, airport process, energy production and supply and emissions management. The second pillar is the focus on multimodal, sustainable and smart mobility through an innovative mobility governance practice to create an intermodal hub, and dedi-cated tools to enhance digitalisation and decarbonisation of transport for both people and goods. Third, the opti-misation of terminal operations, including the deployment of a Terminal Command Centre, a novel approach to circular resource management and the minimisation of resources and waste generated. The fourth pillar tackles the investigation in the energy field and production and use of SAF. Finally, the fifth pillar covers cross-cutting aspects such as minimisation of noise and emissions, assessing non-technological framework conditions and promoting new multi-actor governance arrangements. In STARGATE all actions undertaken are widespread as much as possible, not only to create awareness, but also to serve as valuable inputs and groundwork for other initiatives and projects in the sustainability field. Ultimately, this value chain will improve the quality of life of European citizens and provide solid foundations for a sustainable future
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Start date: 01-11-2021
End date: 31-10-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 33 024 252,00 Euro - 24 816 116,00 Euro
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STARGATE is the response of a consortium of 22 entities led by Brussels Airport committing to create green airports as multimodal hubs for sustainable and smart mobility. STARGATE follows an ambitious strategy to impactfully contribute to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the European air transport ecosystem. The mission of the STARGATE consortium is to develop, test and deploy a set of innovative solutions making the airport ecosystem significantly more sustainable. Our vision is to build with STARGATE a benchmark and be source of inspiration to other airports in Europe and the world.
STARGATE is grounded on five main pillars. The first one is the application of a Digital Twin ecosystem for airports and extensive development to model the Lighthouse Airport, its transport flows, airport process, energy production and supply and emissions management. The second pillar is the focus on multimodal, sustainable and smart mobility through an innovative mobility governance practice to create an intermodal hub, and dedi-cated tools to enhance digitalisation and decarbonisation of transport for both people and goods. Third, the opti-misation of terminal operations, including the deployment of a Terminal Command Centre, a novel approach to circular resource management and the minimisation of resources and waste generated. The fourth pillar tackles the investigation in the energy field and production and use of SAF. Finally, the fifth pillar covers cross-cutting aspects such as minimisation of noise and emissions, assessing non-technological framework conditions and promoting new multi-actor governance arrangements. In STARGATE all actions undertaken are widespread as much as possible, not only to create awareness, but also to serve as valuable inputs and groundwork for other initiatives and projects in the sustainability field. Ultimately, this value chain will improve the quality of life of European citizens and provide solid foundations for a sustainable future



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