MAGPIE | sMArt Green Ports as Integrated Efficient multimodal hubs

The MAGPIE consortium, consisting of 4 ports (Lighthouse Port of Rotterdam, Fellow ports DeltaPort (inland), Port of Sines and HAROPA), 9 research institutes and universities, 32 private companies and 4 other institutes, forms a unique collaboration addressing the missing link between green energy supply and green energy use in port-related transport and the implementation of digitisation, automation, and autonomy to increase transport efficiency. MAGPIE accelerates the introduction of green energy carriers (batteries, hydrogen, ammonia, BioLNG and methanol) combined with realisation of logistic optimisation in ports through automation and autonomous operations. The main objective of MAGPIE is to demonstrate technical, operational, and procedural energy supply and digital solutions in a living lab environment to stimulate green, smart, and integrated multimodal transport and ensure roll out through the European Green Port of the Future Master Plan and dissemination and exploitation activities. A living lab approach is applied in which technological and non-technological innovations are developed or demonstrated. Innovations demonstrated are: On-site BioLNG production; Smart Energy Systems; Shore power peak shaving; Port digital twin (GHG tooling and energy matching); Ammonia bunkering; Offshore charging buoy; Autonomous e-barge and transhipment; Green energy container for inland shipping; Hybrid shunting locomotive; Green connected trucking; Spreading of road traffic; Non-technological innovations to increase the use of green energy. Demonstrators will lead into the Master Plan for the European Green including a roadmap and handbook for implementation. To increase the reach and exploitation of the project results, stakeholders will be in the project through stakeholder consultation groups, targeted communication and dissemination activities. Technical collaborations will be set up with other actions to multiply the results of MAGPIE and of the other actions.
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Start date: 01-10-2021
End date: 30-09-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 30 764 358,00 Euro - 24 964 564,00 Euro
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The MAGPIE consortium, consisting of 4 ports (Lighthouse Port of Rotterdam, Fellow ports DeltaPort (inland), Port of Sines and HAROPA), 9 research institutes and universities, 32 private companies and 4 other institutes, forms a unique collaboration addressing the missing link between green energy supply and green energy use in port-related transport and the implementation of digitisation, automation, and autonomy to increase transport efficiency. MAGPIE accelerates the introduction of green energy carriers (batteries, hydrogen, ammonia, BioLNG and methanol) combined with realisation of logistic optimisation in ports through automation and autonomous operations. The main objective of MAGPIE is to demonstrate technical, operational, and procedural energy supply and digital solutions in a living lab environment to stimulate green, smart, and integrated multimodal transport and ensure roll out through the European Green Port of the Future Master Plan and dissemination and exploitation activities. A living lab approach is applied in which technological and non-technological innovations are developed or demonstrated. Innovations demonstrated are: On-site BioLNG production; Smart Energy Systems; Shore power peak shaving; Port digital twin (GHG tooling and energy matching); Ammonia bunkering; Offshore charging buoy; Autonomous e-barge and transhipment; Green energy container for inland shipping; Hybrid shunting locomotive; Green connected trucking; Spreading of road traffic; Non-technological innovations to increase the use of green energy. Demonstrators will lead into the Master Plan for the European Green including a roadmap and handbook for implementation. To increase the reach and exploitation of the project results, stakeholders will be in the project through stakeholder consultation groups, targeted communication and dissemination activities. Technical collaborations will be set up with other actions to multiply the results of MAGPIE and of the other actions.



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