OPTIMA | cOmmunication Platform for TraffIc ManAgement demonstrator

The OPTIMA project falls within the scope of the topic S2R-OC-IP2-02-2019 call – Support to development of demonstrator platform for Traffic Management – which is connected with the complementary topics S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2019, S2R-CFM-CCA-01-2019.
The OPTIMA project will address the design and development of a Communication Platform to manage the link with different services (multimodal operational systems), supporting TMS applications. In this sense, the Communication Platform will link TMS applications with Traffic Management, Traffic Control, Maintenance/Energy Management and signalling field infrastructure systems.
In particular, the following activities are linked with the main objectives of OPTIMA:
• use of Integration Layer to integrate real-time data from the rail business service, external sources, services running in the Application Framework and operator workstations;
• development, validation and verification of:
o middleware of Integration Layer (or if you prefer: Integration Layer constituents and its interfaces);
o software clients for connecting several rail business services and external services;
o Application Framework constituents and its interfaces;
o enhanced integration of the standardized operator workstations;
o definition of detailed data structure according the Conceptual Data Model;
o first level support for testing prototypes of complementary projects;
• provision of a fully available and documented communication platform for installing and testing complementary projects prototypes.
In addition, OPTIMA will disseminate project findings to relevant stakeholders and communities and will ensure the sustainability and impact of the results coming from the own activities.
The Consortium is well balanced with research organizations, industrial rail stakeholders and Infrastructure Managers actively performing Traffic Management and Traffic Control in dedicated Control centers, some of them with previous participation in S2R projects.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/881777
Start date: 01-12-2019
End date: 30-04-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 2 235 998,00 Euro - 1 899 861,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The OPTIMA project falls within the scope of the topic S2R-OC-IP2-02-2019 call – Support to development of demonstrator platform for Traffic Management – which is connected with the complementary topics S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2019, S2R-CFM-CCA-01-2019.
The OPTIMA project will address the design and development of a Communication Platform to manage the link with different services (multimodal operational systems), supporting TMS applications. In this sense, the Communication Platform will link TMS applications with Traffic Management, Traffic Control, Maintenance/Energy Management and signalling field infrastructure systems.
In particular, the following activities are linked with the main objectives of OPTIMA:
• use of Integration Layer to integrate real-time data from the rail business service, external sources, services running in the Application Framework and operator workstations;
• development, validation and verification of:
o middleware of Integration Layer (or if you prefer: Integration Layer constituents and its interfaces);
o software clients for connecting several rail business services and external services;
o Application Framework constituents and its interfaces;
o enhanced integration of the standardized operator workstations;
o definition of detailed data structure according the Conceptual Data Model;
o first level support for testing prototypes of complementary projects;
• provision of a fully available and documented communication platform for installing and testing complementary projects prototypes.
In addition, OPTIMA will disseminate project findings to relevant stakeholders and communities and will ensure the sustainability and impact of the results coming from the own activities.
The Consortium is well balanced with research organizations, industrial rail stakeholders and Infrastructure Managers actively performing Traffic Management and Traffic Control in dedicated Control centers, some of them with previous participation in S2R projects.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.4. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport
H2020-EU.3.4.8. Shift2Rail JU
H2020-EU. Innovation Programme 2: Advanced traffic management and control systems
S2R-OC-IP2-02-2019 Support to development of demonstrator platform for Traffic Management