AMICAL | Advanced Modeling CapabiLities For UHBR Low Noise Fan Technology

The design of innovative low fan noise technologies for next generation UHBR engines is highly conditioned by the accuracy of aeroacoustic modelisations and related design tools. To further guide UHBR Low fan noise design and noise reduction technologies, the AMICAL project is focused on applying advanced high-fidelity numerical tools, based on Lattice Boltzmann and high order Navier-Stokes methods, to realistic fan/OGV configurations, including installation effects and wind tunnel environments. In addition several noise reduction mechanisms will also be simulated with high-fidelity methods.

As a by-product , the high-fidelity simulations will be exploited to validate and improve lower fidelity noise prediction methods, in support of the engineering needs for fast and reliable design tools.

In order to exploit combined acoustic numerical and experimental databases, new post-processing methodologies will also be developed to identify 2030+UHBR fan noise sources and improve the physical understanding of noise generation mechanisms.

The AMICAL consortium is formed by NUMECA, a Belgian SME active in flow simulations (also coordinating the project), a Dutch expert in noise identification and post-processing (PSA3) and CERFACS a major French research center. All three partners have an extensive experience in EU and Cleansky projects.
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Start date: 01-07-2020
End date: 31-12-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 2 098 750,00 Euro - 1 469 124,00 Euro
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The design of innovative low fan noise technologies for next generation UHBR engines is highly conditioned by the accuracy of aeroacoustic modelisations and related design tools. To further guide UHBR Low fan noise design and noise reduction technologies, the AMICAL project is focused on applying advanced high-fidelity numerical tools, based on Lattice Boltzmann and high order Navier-Stokes methods, to realistic fan/OGV configurations, including installation effects and wind tunnel environments. In addition several noise reduction mechanisms will also be simulated with high-fidelity methods.

As a by-product , the high-fidelity simulations will be exploited to validate and improve lower fidelity noise prediction methods, in support of the engineering needs for fast and reliable design tools.

In order to exploit combined acoustic numerical and experimental databases, new post-processing methodologies will also be developed to identify 2030+UHBR fan noise sources and improve the physical understanding of noise generation mechanisms.

The AMICAL consortium is formed by NUMECA, a Belgian SME active in flow simulations (also coordinating the project), a Dutch expert in noise identification and post-processing (PSA3) and CERFACS a major French research center. All three partners have an extensive experience in EU and Cleansky projects.



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