ProTHiC | Process Simulation and Tool Compensation Methodology for High Temperature Composite Processes

Process Simulation and Tool Compensation Methodology for High Temperature Composite Processes.
The overall objective of ProTHiC is to develop materials, manufacturing, tooling and processing simulations technologies that enables further exploitation of carbon fibre-reinforced composites in applications where the temperature requirements are exceeding 200°C where currently only titanium or super-alloys are being used.
ProTHiC will place its main efforts to:
- Develop and characterize polyimide resins tailored for processing with RTM
- develop, adapt and when necessary modify state-of-the-art processing simulation methodologies (curing and mould filling) to also work for high temperature composites
- Validate simulation methodologies by against experimental data obtained from manufacturing trials performed on sub-components with simplified geometry (e.g. L- and T-profiles)
- Establish a simulation assisted tool design process that integrates processing simulation methodologies with methodologies for tool compensation
- Demonstrate the above-mentioned technologies by manufacturing of a demonstrator component that is defined together with the topic manager.
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Start date: 01-11-2018
End date: 31-10-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 700 000,00 Euro - 700 000,00 Euro
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Process Simulation and Tool Compensation Methodology for High Temperature Composite Processes.
The overall objective of ProTHiC is to develop materials, manufacturing, tooling and processing simulations technologies that enables further exploitation of carbon fibre-reinforced composites in applications where the temperature requirements are exceeding 200°C where currently only titanium or super-alloys are being used.
ProTHiC will place its main efforts to:
- Develop and characterize polyimide resins tailored for processing with RTM
- develop, adapt and when necessary modify state-of-the-art processing simulation methodologies (curing and mould filling) to also work for high temperature composites
- Validate simulation methodologies by against experimental data obtained from manufacturing trials performed on sub-components with simplified geometry (e.g. L- and T-profiles)
- Establish a simulation assisted tool design process that integrates processing simulation methodologies with methodologies for tool compensation
- Demonstrate the above-mentioned technologies by manufacturing of a demonstrator component that is defined together with the topic manager.



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