DEMONSTRATE | DEMonstration Of Novel fuSelage sTructuRAl inTEgrity

DEMONSTRATE will realise an adaptable test rig, suitable for the full-scale testing of aircraft curved panels of variable geometry, at increased accuracy, reliability and cost-efficiency, through the advancement of innovative metrology technologies, simulation and optimisation, as well as application of innovative but cost-effective methodologies to reduce uncertainty, cost and time on aeronautical sub-components testing.
The objective of DEMONSTARTE, aligned to the ‘Innovative light metallic and thermoplastic airframe section full scale testing’ (JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-03-10) topic is the full-scale testing of three airframe section demonstrators, two metallic and a thermoplastic fuselage panel with an integrated stiffening structure, to demonstrate their structural integrity, supported by advanced simulation methodologies correlated with experimental data.
A number of enabling technologies have been planned to be developed and matured within the duration of the project, which will result to the realisation of an efficient, reliable and cost-effective test bench suitable for the full-scale testing of curved aeronautical panels, including:
the development of a virtual testing methodology for the definition of the stiffened panels boundary and loading conditions; the further development of an innovative, cost-efficient, easily adaptable fuselage panel full-scale test bench concept; the development and/or adaptation of a wide range of novel measurement techniques; the development and application of advanced simulation methodologies.
The developed test bench will be used for the execution of static tests on advanced metallic and thermoplastic curved integrally stiffened full-scale panels, representative of a business jet fuselage structure and the execution of an endurance test on an integrally stiffened 4th generation Al-Li curved panel.
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Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 30-06-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 1 664 476,00 Euro - 1 299 570,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

DEMONSTRATE will realise an adaptable test rig, suitable for the full-scale testing of aircraft curved panels of variable geometry, at increased accuracy, reliability and cost-efficiency, through the advancement of innovative metrology technologies, simulation and optimisation, as well as application of innovative but cost-effective methodologies to reduce uncertainty, cost and time on aeronautical sub-components testing.
The objective of DEMONSTARTE, aligned to the ‘Innovative light metallic and thermoplastic airframe section full scale testing’ (JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-03-10) topic is the full-scale testing of three airframe section demonstrators, two metallic and a thermoplastic fuselage panel with an integrated stiffening structure, to demonstrate their structural integrity, supported by advanced simulation methodologies correlated with experimental data.
A number of enabling technologies have been planned to be developed and matured within the duration of the project, which will result to the realisation of an efficient, reliable and cost-effective test bench suitable for the full-scale testing of curved aeronautical panels, including:
the development of a virtual testing methodology for the definition of the stiffened panels boundary and loading conditions; the further development of an innovative, cost-efficient, easily adaptable fuselage panel full-scale test bench concept; the development and/or adaptation of a wide range of novel measurement techniques; the development and application of advanced simulation methodologies.
The developed test bench will be used for the execution of static tests on advanced metallic and thermoplastic curved integrally stiffened full-scale panels, representative of a business jet fuselage structure and the execution of an endurance test on an integrally stiffened 4th generation Al-Li curved panel.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.4. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport
H2020-EU.3.4.0. Cross-cutting call topics
JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-03-10 Innovative light metallic and thermoplastic airframe section full scale testing