SPICE | Support Procurements for Innovative transport and mobility solutions in City Environment

The ever increasing demand for implementation of sustainable and innovative transportation solution in order to reach the cities service goals, dictates the need for more advance methods of procurement to address key parameters such as innovation, scalability, interoperability etc. Therefore, there is a strong need to establish a domain for understanding the public buyers’ needs and the market perspectives in this matter. SPICE will give an invaluable chance to public authorities to share their experiences of procurement of innovative sustainable transportation solutions and to learn from each other. Over a 24 month timeframe, this project will enable public procurers to form a stakeholder group. This project will gather the best practices in procurement of innovative sustainable transport and mobility solutions in three hierarchical levels; national, regional and city levels by engaging with leading European cities and regions, industry and academic institutions to facilitate sharing of their best practices and demonstration of using public procurements for innovative solutions using various instruments: PCP, public-private-innovation partnerships, market consultation, award criteria, etc. It will carry out in-depth analyses on current practices, to look into various possibilities to enable fast adoption of new technologies,and to define strategies of procurement approaches and award criteria stimulating innovation, thus forming a set of recommendations. This will assist public authorities to use this collection of best practices in a more constructive and simple manner and implement the recommendations through capacity building and knowledge transfer activities. Finally, using the project as platform, SPICE will form a number of buyers groups to work on strategies on how to plan joint, cross-border, procurement actions for their sustainable transportation projects,and–if possible– to commence planning of such actions during the timeframe of the SPICE project.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/723994
Start date: 01-09-2016
End date: 31-08-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 827 500,00 Euro - 827 500,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The ever increasing demand for implementation of sustainable and innovative transportation solution in order to reach the cities service goals, dictates the need for more advance methods of procurement to address key parameters such as innovation, scalability, interoperability etc. Therefore, there is a strong need to establish a domain for understanding the public buyers’ needs and the market perspectives in this matter. SPICE will give an invaluable chance to public authorities to share their experiences of procurement of innovative sustainable transportation solutions and to learn from each other. Over a 24 month timeframe, this project will enable public procurers to form a stakeholder group. This project will gather the best practices in procurement of innovative sustainable transport and mobility solutions in three hierarchical levels; national, regional and city levels by engaging with leading European cities and regions, industry and academic institutions to facilitate sharing of their best practices and demonstration of using public procurements for innovative solutions using various instruments: PCP, public-private-innovation partnerships, market consultation, award criteria, etc. It will carry out in-depth analyses on current practices, to look into various possibilities to enable fast adoption of new technologies,and to define strategies of procurement approaches and award criteria stimulating innovation, thus forming a set of recommendations. This will assist public authorities to use this collection of best practices in a more constructive and simple manner and implement the recommendations through capacity building and knowledge transfer activities. Finally, using the project as platform, SPICE will form a number of buyers groups to work on strategies on how to plan joint, cross-border, procurement actions for their sustainable transportation projects,and–if possible– to commence planning of such actions during the timeframe of the SPICE project.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.4. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport
H2020-EU.3.4.0. Cross-cutting call topics
MG-4.4-2016 Facilitating public procurement of innovative sustainable transport and mobility solutions in urban areas