MODIFLAW | Theoretical and experimental evaluations of strain field modification induced by flaws in loaded composite structures

Theoretical and experimental evaluations of strain field modification induced by flaws in loaded composite structures:
The main objectives of the project is to develop, apply and validate numerical models of the strain field modification induced by the presence of flaws with different kind of morphology and size and to define virtual morphology for diagnostic indications provided by the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) data and software on damaged representative sub-components and structures.
The project results will contribute also to innovative low cost and low weight processes and SHM technologies which will be integrated into the Outer Wing Box on ground demonstrator and into the Fuselage structural demonstrator with the objective to obtain: structural weight reduction, manufacturing and assembling recurring cost reduction, maintenance improvement and implementation of new eco-compatible materials and processes.
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Start date: 01-07-2020
End date: 30-09-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 435 000,00 Euro - 435 000,00 Euro
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Theoretical and experimental evaluations of strain field modification induced by flaws in loaded composite structures:
The main objectives of the project is to develop, apply and validate numerical models of the strain field modification induced by the presence of flaws with different kind of morphology and size and to define virtual morphology for diagnostic indications provided by the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) data and software on damaged representative sub-components and structures.
The project results will contribute also to innovative low cost and low weight processes and SHM technologies which will be integrated into the Outer Wing Box on ground demonstrator and into the Fuselage structural demonstrator with the objective to obtain: structural weight reduction, manufacturing and assembling recurring cost reduction, maintenance improvement and implementation of new eco-compatible materials and processes.



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