DIGITS-AU | Demonstration of ATM Improvements Generated by Initial Trajectory Sharing - Airspace User Part

"* DIGITS-AU is the essential Airspace User complement to the DIGITS project (Demonstration of ATM Improvements Generated by Initial Trajectory Sharing). DIGITS was granted under H2020-SESAR-2015-2, SESAR.ID-VLD.Wave1-27-2015, and its continuation is dependent on the participation of Airspace Users (AU).
* As required, DIGITS-AU brings together Airspace Users
- who operate (even partially) in the airspace of ANSPs participating to DIGITS, namely DFS, ENAV, MUAC and NATS and
- who will receive through this Call new onboard avionics capability which allows to downlink trajectory predictions, the so-called Extended Projected Profile (EPP), for sharing with Air Traffic Control.
* This proposal addresses also the interface with other SESAR 2020 projects, by nature with PJ31 DIGITS, but also with PJs 01, 09, 10 and 18 in order to contribute to the identification of benefit potentials facilitated by this new airborne technology. The capture of real fuel burn reduction for DIGITS-AU flights is not possible due to the fact that ground ATC systems are used in an pre-operational or shadow mode, based on which air traffic controllers may not alter their instructions. Nevertheless ""what-if"" cases shall be identified as far as observations possibly allow and the theoretical fuel burn gain calculated."
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/783178
Start date: 01-01-2018
End date: 31-12-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 6 150 954,71 Euro - 4 305 668,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"* DIGITS-AU is the essential Airspace User complement to the DIGITS project (Demonstration of ATM Improvements Generated by Initial Trajectory Sharing). DIGITS was granted under H2020-SESAR-2015-2, SESAR.ID-VLD.Wave1-27-2015, and its continuation is dependent on the participation of Airspace Users (AU).
* As required, DIGITS-AU brings together Airspace Users
- who operate (even partially) in the airspace of ANSPs participating to DIGITS, namely DFS, ENAV, MUAC and NATS and
- who will receive through this Call new onboard avionics capability which allows to downlink trajectory predictions, the so-called Extended Projected Profile (EPP), for sharing with Air Traffic Control.
* This proposal addresses also the interface with other SESAR 2020 projects, by nature with PJ31 DIGITS, but also with PJs 01, 09, 10 and 18 in order to contribute to the identification of benefit potentials facilitated by this new airborne technology. The capture of real fuel burn reduction for DIGITS-AU flights is not possible due to the fact that ground ATC systems are used in an pre-operational or shadow mode, based on which air traffic controllers may not alter their instructions. Nevertheless ""what-if"" cases shall be identified as far as observations possibly allow and the theoretical fuel burn gain calculated."



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