SAFE STRIP | Safe and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplications

SAFE STRIP aims to introduce a disruptive technology that will achieve to embed C-ITS applications in existing road infrastructure, including novel I2V and V2I, as well as VMS/VSL functions into low-cost, integrated strips markers on the road; to make roads self-explanatory and forgiving for all road users (trucks, cars and vulnerable road users, such as PTWs riders) and all vehicle generations (non-equipped, C-ITS equipped, autonomous), with reduced maintenance cost, full recyclability and added value services, as well as supporting real-time predictive road maintenance functions. The vast potential of SAFE STRIP will be demonstrated through applications for: 1) Cooperative safety functions for enhanced ADAS/ARAS equipped and non-equipped vehicles, 2) Road wear level and predictive road maintenance, 3) Road work zones and railway crossings warnings, 4) Merging/intersection support, 5) Personalised VMS’/VDS’ and Traffic Centre Information, 6) Dynamic trajectory estimation and interface to automated vehicles, whereas it will open a new channel to a vast array of 7) Supportive added value services (such as Virtual Toll Collection and Parking booking and charging). It will be evaluated in a test bed in Spain and in France and 2 closed test tracks in Italy and in real life conditions in Greek and Italian highways, with 4 car and 3 PTW demonstrators. This very challenging task is undertaken by a muldisciplinary and complementary Consortium of 18 Partners from 6 countries, with a good representation of all stakeholders: 1 vehicle OEM (CRF), 1 PTW OEM (Piaggio), 2 system integrators and infrastructure installers (3M & CEA), 2 Tier 1 suppliers (CONTI & VALEO), 1 SME (RELAB), 8 R&D Institutes (CERTH, UNITN, UPAT, FhG/IAO, CNR, CIDAUT, CTI and ICCS) and 2 end users (ATTD and Α22) as beneficiaries, under the umbrella of ERTICO; thus providing further access to all key stakeholders in the area.
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Start date: 01-05-2017
End date: 31-08-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 4 595 813,75 Euro - 4 595 813,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

SAFE STRIP aims to introduce a disruptive technology that will achieve to embed C-ITS applications in existing road infrastructure, including novel I2V and V2I, as well as VMS/VSL functions into low-cost, integrated strips markers on the road; to make roads self-explanatory and forgiving for all road users (trucks, cars and vulnerable road users, such as PTWs riders) and all vehicle generations (non-equipped, C-ITS equipped, autonomous), with reduced maintenance cost, full recyclability and added value services, as well as supporting real-time predictive road maintenance functions. The vast potential of SAFE STRIP will be demonstrated through applications for: 1) Cooperative safety functions for enhanced ADAS/ARAS equipped and non-equipped vehicles, 2) Road wear level and predictive road maintenance, 3) Road work zones and railway crossings warnings, 4) Merging/intersection support, 5) Personalised VMS’/VDS’ and Traffic Centre Information, 6) Dynamic trajectory estimation and interface to automated vehicles, whereas it will open a new channel to a vast array of 7) Supportive added value services (such as Virtual Toll Collection and Parking booking and charging). It will be evaluated in a test bed in Spain and in France and 2 closed test tracks in Italy and in real life conditions in Greek and Italian highways, with 4 car and 3 PTW demonstrators. This very challenging task is undertaken by a muldisciplinary and complementary Consortium of 18 Partners from 6 countries, with a good representation of all stakeholders: 1 vehicle OEM (CRF), 1 PTW OEM (Piaggio), 2 system integrators and infrastructure installers (3M & CEA), 2 Tier 1 suppliers (CONTI & VALEO), 1 SME (RELAB), 8 R&D Institutes (CERTH, UNITN, UPAT, FhG/IAO, CNR, CIDAUT, CTI and ICCS) and 2 end users (ATTD and Α22) as beneficiaries, under the umbrella of ERTICO; thus providing further access to all key stakeholders in the area.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.4. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport
H2020-EU.3.4.0. Cross-cutting call topics
MG-3.4-2016 Transport infrastructure innovation to increase the transport system safety at modal and intermodal level (including nodes and interchanges)