TABASCO | Testing Advanced Basic Structures with novel Low-Cost Solutions

The work of this consortium will be the experimental verification by means of a test campaign (Level 2-3) of a novel design, material, structural an industrial process for the Advanced Rear End (ARE) demonstrator included in WP1.2 on Platform 1 of Cleansky project.
This project has three research objectives:
1) Implement new methodologies to support, validate and correlate Virtual Testing Models.
2) Design and manufacture innovative tool and test setups to maximize the instrumented area to better identify the boundary conditions of the test based on Absolute Accurate Methodology.
3) Research advanced instrumentation solutions to improve quality of the results reducing cost and time in future aircraft certification test campaigns.
To achieve these objectives, the following IT tools, methodologies and novel instrumentation will be researched:
a. Applus E-Testing© monitoring service to follow up the metrological data in real-time using a simple internet browser. This technology allows correlating real-time video recording and measured data (load, stress…) with FEM predictions.
b. CAETest Bench for accurate representations of material behaviour.
c. Thiot CESAR© software to simulate gas gun performance to reduce the initial test trials to adjust the pressure and other launcher parameters.
d. Applus Absolute Accurate Methodology
e. Faster and more accurate optical Full Field stress measurement based on Match ID Technology that allows improving Digital Image Correlation uncertainty and advanced algorithms to allow measurements in Real- time during the test.
f. Innovative methods to improve crack/de-bonding onset and propagation detection by:
i. Acoustic Camera contactless metrology from GFAI TECH GmbH to quickly hot-spot de-bonding and first Failure cracks
ii. Structural Health Monitoring to control the damages of the structures being tested with the support of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
g. Improved wireless Strain gauges taking advantage of Applus IoT Lab capacities to reduce the test setups time and complexity and allow Structural Monitoring of the tested part.
h. Residual Energy “live” sensor based on instrumented projectile catchers developed by Thiot
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Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 31-07-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 1 606 668,00 Euro - 1 124 668,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The work of this consortium will be the experimental verification by means of a test campaign (Level 2-3) of a novel design, material, structural an industrial process for the Advanced Rear End (ARE) demonstrator included in WP1.2 on Platform 1 of Cleansky project.
This project has three research objectives:
1) Implement new methodologies to support, validate and correlate Virtual Testing Models.
2) Design and manufacture innovative tool and test setups to maximize the instrumented area to better identify the boundary conditions of the test based on Absolute Accurate Methodology.
3) Research advanced instrumentation solutions to improve quality of the results reducing cost and time in future aircraft certification test campaigns.
To achieve these objectives, the following IT tools, methodologies and novel instrumentation will be researched:
a. Applus E-Testing© monitoring service to follow up the metrological data in real-time using a simple internet browser. This technology allows correlating real-time video recording and measured data (load, stress…) with FEM predictions.
b. CAETest Bench for accurate representations of material behaviour.
c. Thiot CESAR© software to simulate gas gun performance to reduce the initial test trials to adjust the pressure and other launcher parameters.
d. Applus Absolute Accurate Methodology
e. Faster and more accurate optical Full Field stress measurement based on Match ID Technology that allows improving Digital Image Correlation uncertainty and advanced algorithms to allow measurements in Real- time during the test.
f. Innovative methods to improve crack/de-bonding onset and propagation detection by:
i. Acoustic Camera contactless metrology from GFAI TECH GmbH to quickly hot-spot de-bonding and first Failure cracks
ii. Structural Health Monitoring to control the damages of the structures being tested with the support of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
g. Improved wireless Strain gauges taking advantage of Applus IoT Lab capacities to reduce the test setups time and complexity and allow Structural Monitoring of the tested part.
h. Residual Energy “live” sensor based on instrumented projectile catchers developed by Thiot



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.4. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport
H2020-EU.3.4.5. CLEANSKY2
H2020-EU. IADP Large Passenger Aircraft
JTI-CS2-2018-CfP09-LPA-01-62 Rear End Structural Test Program – Component & Subcomponent tests