CERES | advanCEd REar end Structural test program – low level tests

CERES aims to develop and execute innovative testing solutions to conduct the test program for the coupons level tests. The outcomes of this project will enable to demonstrate the feasibility of novel design concepts, materials and processes for Advanced Rear End (ARE). Ultimately, the validation of these new concepts will contribute to the development of a highly integrated rear end offering lighter weight and improved mechanical performance pursued by LPA IADP Work Package 1.2. The project will be carried out in a 34-month time span.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/864158
Start date: 02-01-2020
End date: 01-01-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 997 595,00 Euro - 698 317,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

CERES aims to develop and execute innovative testing solutions to conduct the test program for the coupons level tests. The outcomes of this project will enable to demonstrate the feasibility of novel design concepts, materials and processes for Advanced Rear End (ARE). Ultimately, the validation of these new concepts will contribute to the development of a highly integrated rear end offering lighter weight and improved mechanical performance pursued by LPA IADP Work Package 1.2. The project will be carried out in a 34-month time span.



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