AURORA | Achieving a new European Energy Awareness.

AURORA aims at an innovative long-term citizen engagement with energy sustainable behaviours empowering civil society to adopt a leading role in the energy cycle and to be real actors of a sustainable change via the promotion of citizen science practices. AURORA Energy Awareness rationale will be implemented as a demonstrator in 5 European countries. AURORA rationale is based on the upgrade of social communities -4 university communities and 1 rural deprived area- to new civic consortia -established as local energy communities- to act as Citizen Science hubs. There, on the one hand, citizens will crowdfund a local solar photovoltaic facility in an inclusive system enabling low-cost shares from 20EUR, and on the other hand, participants will monitor their individual energy mix demand behaviours, which together with their energy production in the facility, will generate accurate know-how on the carbon footprint related to their energy mix behaviour, which will be managed through the AURORA app. AURORA proposes a novel labelling system to help citizens to better understand their energy-related impacts. Later on, interventions to modify their energy behaviour towards a more climate-neutral impact while fostering energy-savings will imply the involvement of citizens in individual and collective actions, covering from civic innovation workshops to home-made low-cost sensors or community infrastructures fabrication, to environmental observation for creating civic local roadmaps. The final objective is to generate the first generations of Near Zero-Emission Citizens acting as ambassadors for sustainable energy behaviours. As a consequence of the activities performed by citizens, data collected AURORA will also be able to improve energy transition scenarios including citizens' behaviours and learning periods and generate reliable data on the impact of climate on energy infrastructures.
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Start date: 01-12-2021
End date: 31-05-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 4 786 456,00 Euro - 4 628 631,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

AURORA aims at an innovative long-term citizen engagement with energy sustainable behaviours empowering civil society to adopt a leading role in the energy cycle and to be real actors of a sustainable change via the promotion of citizen science practices. AURORA Energy Awareness rationale will be implemented as a demonstrator in 5 European countries. AURORA rationale is based on the upgrade of social communities -4 university communities and 1 rural deprived area- to new civic consortia -established as local energy communities- to act as Citizen Science hubs. There, on the one hand, citizens will crowdfund a local solar photovoltaic facility in an inclusive system enabling low-cost shares from 20EUR, and on the other hand, participants will monitor their individual energy mix demand behaviours, which together with their energy production in the facility, will generate accurate know-how on the carbon footprint related to their energy mix behaviour, which will be managed through the AURORA app. AURORA proposes a novel labelling system to help citizens to better understand their energy-related impacts. Later on, interventions to modify their energy behaviour towards a more climate-neutral impact while fostering energy-savings will imply the involvement of citizens in individual and collective actions, covering from civic innovation workshops to home-made low-cost sensors or community infrastructures fabrication, to environmental observation for creating civic local roadmaps. The final objective is to generate the first generations of Near Zero-Emission Citizens acting as ambassadors for sustainable energy behaviours. As a consequence of the activities performed by citizens, data collected AURORA will also be able to improve energy transition scenarios including citizens' behaviours and learning periods and generate reliable data on the impact of climate on energy infrastructures.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.5. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Climate action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials
H2020-EU.3.5.0. Cross-cutting call topics
LC-GD-10-3-2020 Enabling citizens to act on climate change, for sustainable development and environmental protection through education, citizen science, observation initiatives, and civic engagement