Nature4Cities | Nature Based Solutions for re-naturing cities: knowledge diffusion and decision support platform through new collaborative models

Based on a detailed mapping of urban challenges and relevant nature-based solutions (NBS), Nature4Cities aims at developing complementary and interactive modules to engage urban stakeholders in a collective-learning process about re-naturing cities, develop and circulate new business, financial and governance models for NBS projects, as well as provide tools for the impacts assessment, valorisation and follow-up of NBS projects. The different modules are:
• a database of generic NBS and associated environmental, economic and social performances
• an observatory of NBS projects best practices / case studies
• a set of innovative business, financial and governance models for the deployment of NBS in a range of different contexts, together with a tool to help urban stakeholders identify eligible models regarding their NBS project contexts
• a NBS project impact assessment toolbox providing capabilities for environmental, economic and social impacts evaluation at different stages in the project development cycle from opportunity/feasibility studies to design steps and project follow-up). This toolbox will built on a range of tools, from generic indicator-based assessment for early project stages, down to detailed modelisations of NBS behaviors.
These modules that already have a proper purpose on their own, will furthermore be integrated in a NBS dissemination and assessment self-learning platform [N4C Platform] to assist NBS project developers along the entire life cycle of their projects from opportunity studies and project definition down to performance monitoring.
Nature4Cities indicators, methodologies, tools and platform will be field tested in real working environments and on real nature-based solution projects and developments in selected cities in Europe, which will be partners of the project and engage their technical urban and environmental planning teams.
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Start date: 01-11-2016
End date: 30-04-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 7 499 981,25 Euro - 7 499 981,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Based on a detailed mapping of urban challenges and relevant nature-based solutions (NBS), Nature4Cities aims at developing complementary and interactive modules to engage urban stakeholders in a collective-learning process about re-naturing cities, develop and circulate new business, financial and governance models for NBS projects, as well as provide tools for the impacts assessment, valorisation and follow-up of NBS projects. The different modules are:
• a database of generic NBS and associated environmental, economic and social performances
• an observatory of NBS projects best practices / case studies
• a set of innovative business, financial and governance models for the deployment of NBS in a range of different contexts, together with a tool to help urban stakeholders identify eligible models regarding their NBS project contexts
• a NBS project impact assessment toolbox providing capabilities for environmental, economic and social impacts evaluation at different stages in the project development cycle from opportunity/feasibility studies to design steps and project follow-up). This toolbox will built on a range of tools, from generic indicator-based assessment for early project stages, down to detailed modelisations of NBS behaviors.
These modules that already have a proper purpose on their own, will furthermore be integrated in a NBS dissemination and assessment self-learning platform [N4C Platform] to assist NBS project developers along the entire life cycle of their projects from opportunity studies and project definition down to performance monitoring.
Nature4Cities indicators, methodologies, tools and platform will be field tested in real working environments and on real nature-based solution projects and developments in selected cities in Europe, which will be partners of the project and engage their technical urban and environmental planning teams.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.5. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Climate action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials
H2020-EU.3.5.1. Fighting and adapting to climate change
H2020-EU. Assess impacts, vulnerabilities and develop innovative cost-effective adaptation and risk prevention and management measures
SCC-03-2016 New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing)
H2020-EU. Support mitigation policies, including studies that focus on impact from other sectoral policies
SCC-03-2016 New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing)
H2020-EU.3.5.2. Protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources, water, biodiversity and ecosystems
H2020-EU. Developing integrated approaches to address water-related challenges and the transition to sustainable management and use of water resources and services
SCC-03-2016 New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing)
H2020-EU. Provide knowledge and tools for effective decision making and public engagement
SCC-03-2016 New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing)
H2020-EU.3.5.4. Enabling the transition towards a green economy and society through eco-innovation
H2020-EU. Support innovative policies and societal changes
SCC-03-2016 New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing)