KNOWINN | From Knowledge to Innovation: Building the evidence base to inform innovative entrepreneurship and risk-finance policies

This project aims at achieving the following two main objectives:

1. Providing new evidence on the role of public research institutions in fostering innovative entrepreneurship; and,
2. Providing new evidence on the role of national policies and framework conditions in catalysing the translation of scientific knowledge into innovative entrepreneurship.

The OECD will use innovative data sources and statistical techniques to provide an unprecedented portrait of innovative start-ups and VC investments across countries and sectors (Breschi, Lassébie, and Menon, 2018). Building on previous work, as well on additional data sources on e.g. intellectual property (IP) rights and on national policies (e.g. from the STIP Compass database), the OECD is distinctively positioned to deliver on the two main objectives of the project illustrated below.
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Start date: 01-01-2019
End date: 31-12-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 351 647,50 Euro - 260 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This project aims at achieving the following two main objectives:

1. Providing new evidence on the role of public research institutions in fostering innovative entrepreneurship; and,
2. Providing new evidence on the role of national policies and framework conditions in catalysing the translation of scientific knowledge into innovative entrepreneurship.

The OECD will use innovative data sources and statistical techniques to provide an unprecedented portrait of innovative start-ups and VC investments across countries and sectors (Breschi, Lassébie, and Menon, 2018). Building on previous work, as well on additional data sources on e.g. intellectual property (IP) rights and on national policies (e.g. from the STIP Compass database), the OECD is distinctively positioned to deliver on the two main objectives of the project illustrated below.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.6. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Europe In A Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative And Reflective Societies
H2020-EU.3.6.2. Innovative societies
H2020-EU. Strengthen the evidence base and support for the Innovation Union and ERA
IBA-SC6-OECD-2018-2019 Implementation of the OECD-European Commission administrative arrangement