PolicyCLOUD | Policy Management through technologies across the complete data lifecycle on cloud environments.

PolicyCLOUD delivers a unique integrated environment addressing the full lifecycle of policy management: modelling, monitoring, enforcing, simulation, analysis and compliance. The environment will utilize the capabilities offered by the European Cloud Initiative, with an emphasis on data analysis to facilitate evidence-based policy making. PolicyCLOUD introduces a pioneering approach for the development of policies “collections” to exploit collective knowledge towards policy co-creation and cross-sector optimization. The co-creation of multi-modal policies will follow an innovative modelling process for structural representation of schema-based policies. PolicyCLOUD environment seamlessly integrates a methodology for utilizing cloud environments and data in policy making structures considering sociological, cultural, political, legal and economic properties. PolicyCLOUD environment will integrate a set of reusable models and tools, ranging from social dynamics and behaviour analysis, to situational knowledge acquisition, opinion mining and sentiment analysis, complemented with tools for data aggregation, linking and cleaning. Citizen participation will be ensured exploiting techniques for incentives management and a Living Lab approach put forward by PolicyCLOUD. A toolkit which allows the specification of transferable and re-usable analytics tasks in a declarative way, their integration in the policies management path, as well as an adaptive visualization environment, will realize PolicyCLOUD’s vision of openness and extensibility. Targeting high impact, PolicyCLOUD delivers a data marketplace enabling the creation of an entire ecosystem of stakeholders contributing, producing, processing and using policy-related data assets. The reusable models and tools and this marketplace provide the ground for the proposed dual-business plan, which has been compiled by the consortium to ensure the long-term sustainability and take-up of the PolicyCLOUD results.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/870675
Start date: 01-01-2020
End date: 31-12-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 5 052 732,00 Euro - 3 999 545,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

PolicyCLOUD delivers a unique integrated environment addressing the full lifecycle of policy management: modelling, monitoring, enforcing, simulation, analysis and compliance. The environment will utilize the capabilities offered by the European Cloud Initiative, with an emphasis on data analysis to facilitate evidence-based policy making. PolicyCLOUD introduces a pioneering approach for the development of policies “collections” to exploit collective knowledge towards policy co-creation and cross-sector optimization. The co-creation of multi-modal policies will follow an innovative modelling process for structural representation of schema-based policies. PolicyCLOUD environment seamlessly integrates a methodology for utilizing cloud environments and data in policy making structures considering sociological, cultural, political, legal and economic properties. PolicyCLOUD environment will integrate a set of reusable models and tools, ranging from social dynamics and behaviour analysis, to situational knowledge acquisition, opinion mining and sentiment analysis, complemented with tools for data aggregation, linking and cleaning. Citizen participation will be ensured exploiting techniques for incentives management and a Living Lab approach put forward by PolicyCLOUD. A toolkit which allows the specification of transferable and re-usable analytics tasks in a declarative way, their integration in the policies management path, as well as an adaptive visualization environment, will realize PolicyCLOUD’s vision of openness and extensibility. Targeting high impact, PolicyCLOUD delivers a data marketplace enabling the creation of an entire ecosystem of stakeholders contributing, producing, processing and using policy-related data assets. The reusable models and tools and this marketplace provide the ground for the proposed dual-business plan, which has been compiled by the consortium to ensure the long-term sustainability and take-up of the PolicyCLOUD results.



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