GLORIA 2020-21 | Global Industrial Research & Innovation Analyses 2020-21

The main expected impact of this proposal is the better understanding of corporate Research & Development (R&D) efforts in relation to the green deal and sustainability objectives, starting from the top R&D investors in their global competitiveness perspective. For this, the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboards will be developed towards a more meaningful tool regarding the directionality of corporate Research & Innovation (R&I), and systematically include additional indicators, triggering change of its use and change in industry, becoming complementary to the sustainable finance taxonomy. A key aspect here is that, under leadership of JRC.B3, the project will exploit JRC-internal synergies (within Directorates B and C) for covering the global R&I competitiveness picture and adding relevant and more specific information regarding energy and transport as key sectors for the new priorities. Policy impact will also benefit from enhanced co-creation between the project partners.
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Start date: 01-07-2020
End date: 31-12-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 2 636 753,00 Euro - 2 636 753,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The main expected impact of this proposal is the better understanding of corporate Research & Development (R&D) efforts in relation to the green deal and sustainability objectives, starting from the top R&D investors in their global competitiveness perspective. For this, the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboards will be developed towards a more meaningful tool regarding the directionality of corporate Research & Innovation (R&I), and systematically include additional indicators, triggering change of its use and change in industry, becoming complementary to the sustainable finance taxonomy. A key aspect here is that, under leadership of JRC.B3, the project will exploit JRC-internal synergies (within Directorates B and C) for covering the global R&I competitiveness picture and adding relevant and more specific information regarding energy and transport as key sectors for the new priorities. Policy impact will also benefit from enhanced co-creation between the project partners.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.6. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Europe In A Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative And Reflective Societies
H2020-EU.3.6.2. Innovative societies
H2020-EU. Strengthen the evidence base and support for the Innovation Union and ERA