QUDICE | QUantum DevIces and subsystems for Communications in spacE

The protection of sensitive information is of crucial importance in our society: the security of money transfer, commercial transactions, medical data, remote control of critical infrastructures (power grid, telecom etc.) are key assets for EU citizens. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a promising solution to protect digital communications, guaranteeing unconditional security based on the laws of quantum mechanics rather than on the computation capability of an adversary. QKD requires a satellite network to allow the sharing of random keys between two legitimate users at the European scale. The main target of QUDICE is the development of the components and subsystems for quantum communication and optical systems for space-based QKD enabling the realization of a European network of satellites with quantum key distribution as the main service. Specific objectives of the project include:
- the development of a TRL6 space-qualifiable source for discrete variable (DV) QKD
- the development of a TRL5-6 space-qualifiable Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG)
- the development of a TRL6 space-qualifiable satellite Pointing and Tracking (PAT) system
- the development of a TRL5-6 space-qualifiable Entangled Photon Source (EPS)
- the development of a TRL5-6 space-qualifiable Continuous Variable (CV) QKD source
- the development of a TRL6 space-qualifiable onboard 5G system for QKD post-processing support and QKD-secured connectivity service
- the development of simulations and testbeds to assess quantum satellite communications components
- the definition of the roadmap towards TRL9 for the developed systems
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101082596
Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 4 328 845,00 Euro - 4 328 845,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The protection of sensitive information is of crucial importance in our society: the security of money transfer, commercial transactions, medical data, remote control of critical infrastructures (power grid, telecom etc.) are key assets for EU citizens. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a promising solution to protect digital communications, guaranteeing unconditional security based on the laws of quantum mechanics rather than on the computation capability of an adversary. QKD requires a satellite network to allow the sharing of random keys between two legitimate users at the European scale. The main target of QUDICE is the development of the components and subsystems for quantum communication and optical systems for space-based QKD enabling the realization of a European network of satellites with quantum key distribution as the main service. Specific objectives of the project include:
- the development of a TRL6 space-qualifiable source for discrete variable (DV) QKD
- the development of a TRL5-6 space-qualifiable Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG)
- the development of a TRL6 space-qualifiable satellite Pointing and Tracking (PAT) system
- the development of a TRL5-6 space-qualifiable Entangled Photon Source (EPS)
- the development of a TRL5-6 space-qualifiable Continuous Variable (CV) QKD source
- the development of a TRL6 space-qualifiable onboard 5G system for QKD post-processing support and QKD-secured connectivity service
- the development of simulations and testbeds to assess quantum satellite communications components
- the definition of the roadmap towards TRL9 for the developed systems



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