PUNCH | Packaging of novel Ultra-dyNamiC pHotonic switches and transceivers for integration into 5G radio access network and datacenter sub-systems

PUNCH offers a solution for time-deterministic and time-sensitive networks by developing a new optical switching paradigm which (I) breaks the trade-off between flexibility (ultra-dynamic reconfigurability) and determinism (guaranteed latency and jitter) by offering an all-to-all reconfigurable interconnect; (II) reduces congestion by activating bandwidth steering so that additional capacity can be allocated between hot nodes in the network; (III) provides unparalleled dynamics and bandwidth efficiency by further enabling multiplexing in the time domain with fast reconfigurable capability. A 2×2×8Lambda wavelength selective switching element will be scaled to a fully non-blocking 8x8x8Lambda and 16x16x8Lambda reconfigurable optical switch fabric. The development of a III-V foundry process for micro-transfer-printing-compatible semiconductor optical amplifiers enables loss-less optical switching on a silicon photonics platform. Custom configuration electronic ICs to actuate, control, and power-monitor a scaled switch fabric will be densely integrated with the photonic ICs into a heterogeneous fanout wafer-level package, processed on a 200mm reconstructed wafer platform. In addition, the optical interfacing to the photonic ICs will be accomplished using an optical redistribution layer, providing an optical fanout on high-density organic substrates, and allowing for a scalable optical fiber packaging solution. The novel integration and packaging processes will be applied for manufacturing 1.6 Tbit/s optical transceivers providing the interface between optical switches and electronic resources (compute, memory, and storage). The optical switch and transceiver prototypes will be demonstrated in a 5G RAN Transport Network, for TSN Fronthaul applications and for memory disaggregation in data centers.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101070560
Start date: 01-09-2022
End date: 31-08-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 4 982 258,75 Euro - 4 274 284,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

PUNCH offers a solution for time-deterministic and time-sensitive networks by developing a new optical switching paradigm which (I) breaks the trade-off between flexibility (ultra-dynamic reconfigurability) and determinism (guaranteed latency and jitter) by offering an all-to-all reconfigurable interconnect; (II) reduces congestion by activating bandwidth steering so that additional capacity can be allocated between hot nodes in the network; (III) provides unparalleled dynamics and bandwidth efficiency by further enabling multiplexing in the time domain with fast reconfigurable capability. A 2×2×8Lambda wavelength selective switching element will be scaled to a fully non-blocking 8x8x8Lambda and 16x16x8Lambda reconfigurable optical switch fabric. The development of a micro-transfer-printing process for semiconductor optical amplifiers enables loss-less optical switching on a silicon photonics platform. Custom configuration electronic ICs to actuate, control, and power-monitor a scaled switch fabric will be densely integrated with the photonic ICs into a heterogeneous fanout wafer-level package, processed on a 200mm reconstructed wafer platform. In addition, the optical interfacing to the photonic ICs will be accomplished using an optical redistribution layer, providing an optical fanout on high-density organic substrates, and allowing for a scalable optical fiber packaging solution. The novel integration and packaging processes will be applied for manufacturing 1.6 Tbit/s optical transceivers providing the interface between optical switches and electronic resources (compute, memory, and storage). The optical switch and transceiver prototypes will be demonstrated in a 5G RAN Transport Network, for TSN Fronthaul applications and for memory disaggregation in data centers.



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European Partnerships
Photonics Partnership
Photonics Partnership Call 2021
HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-06 Advanced optical communication components (Photonics Partnership) (IA)
Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.2 Key Digital Technologies
HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-06 Advanced optical communication components (Photonics Partnership) (IA)