PEERS | Co-developing pathways towards Climate resilient regions in Europe

There is a need for a radical step-up in the attention we pay to current and future climate impacts and associated efforts. Despite inspiring examples of adaptation solutions, stand-alone risk reduction projects that tackle issues through direct or existing policy levers are common practice. Adopting a systemic, transformative approach is advocated by the Mission Adaptation and European Green Deal. PEERS takes an innovative systemic approach to regional climate resilience; one indivisible from Europe’s future economic and social development, intersecting with net zero commitments, and demanding a markedly different approach from the one adopted so far.
PEERS will empower at least 100 regions and communities to co-design visions of a climate resilient future and corresponding transformative, locally led pathways and innovation agendas that ensure long-term impact through political commitment. We do this by: (a) mobilising regional interest and progressively elevating the ambition and capability of regions; (b) developing a Regional Resilience Journey framework (and supporting services) to equip regions and communities in developing climate resilience pathways and connected innovation agendas; (c) allocating €21M across 100 regions and communities via three open call cycles to support their Journeys (d) triggering a wide engagement of citizens and diverse stakeholders in the co-creation of the pathways; (e) increasing knowledge on adaptation innovations across Key Community Systems (KCS) and enabling conditions; (f) boosting literacy and access to (innovative) adaptation finance; and (g) developing a Resilience Maturity Curve to baseline and monitor regional resilience capacities.
Led by Climate KIC, the PEERS consortium brings the combined strength of: regional network organisations, technical designers and innovators of transformative adaptation, adaptation finance experts, learning and capability building specialists, and monitoring and innovation impact partner.
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Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 29 609 362,50 Euro - 29 609 362,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

There is a need for a radical step-up in the attention we pay to current and future climate impacts and associated efforts. Despite inspiring examples of adaptation solutions, stand-alone risk reduction projects that tackle issues through direct or existing policy levers are common practice. Adopting a systemic, transformative approach is advocated by the Mission Adaptation and European Green Deal. PEERS takes an innovative systemic approach to regional climate resilience; one indivisible from Europe’s future economic and social development, intersecting with net zero commitments, and demanding a markedly different approach from the one adopted so far.
PEERS will empower at least 100 regions and communities to co-design visions of a climate resilient future and corresponding transformative, locally led pathways and innovation agendas that ensure long-term impact through political commitment. We do this by: (a) mobilising regional interest and progressively elevating the ambition and capability of regions; (b) developing a Regional Resilience Journey framework (and supporting services) to equip regions and communities in developing climate resilience pathways and connected innovation agendas; (c) allocating €21M across 100 regions and communities via three open call cycles to support their Journeys (d) triggering a wide engagement of citizens and diverse stakeholders in the co-creation of the pathways; (e) increasing knowledge on adaptation innovations across Key Community Systems (KCS) and enabling conditions; (f) boosting literacy and access to (innovative) adaptation finance; and (g) developing a Resilience Maturity Curve to baseline and monitor regional resilience capacities.
Led by Climate KIC, the PEERS consortium brings the combined strength of: regional network organisations, technical designers and innovators of transformative adaptation, adaptation finance experts, learning and capability building specialists, and monitoring and innovation impact partner.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02-02 Support to the regions in developing pathways towards climate resilience and corresponding innovation agendas