UVQuanT | Deep Ultraviolet Laser For Quantum Technology

Lasers are the heart of today’s quantum science and technology. Since their first invention they have been a flourishing research area and in a few decades have found application in an enormous variety of fields, eventually populating many aspects of our everyday life, also outside of the research laboratory. Since the beginning, there has been a natural push towards extending the accessible frequency range of coherent radiation, eventually covering the whole infrared (IR), visible (VIS), and ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. The large energy and momenta of UV photons offers enormous potential for novel applications. However, for the same reason, deep technological challenges remain before they can be used effectively in science and technology. UVQuanT will tackle this challenge by developing the necessary industrial and scientific expertise to realise new-era, cost-effective lasers and laser optics for the UV and DUV region, positioning the EU as the front-runner in this technology. UVQuanT will focus on new ways of increasing the production of coherent radiation in the UV and DUV region, developing and testing lower cost, more rugged and practical solutions, and will test these novel systems in a range of experiments targeting quantum technology applications. Combining the talent and expertise of industrial and academic partners, UVQuanT will build strong relationships for establishing a path for next-generation quantum technologies.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101080164
Start date: 01-10-2022
End date: 30-09-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 2 988 332,50 Euro - 2 988 332,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Lasers are the heart of today’s quantum science and technology. Since their first invention they have been a flourishing research area and in a few decades have found application in an enormous variety of fields, eventually populating many aspects of our everyday life, also outside of the research laboratory. Since the beginning, there has been a natural push towards extending the accessible frequency range of coherent radiation, eventually covering the whole infrared (IR), visible (VIS), and ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. The large energy and momenta of UV photons offers enormous potential for novel applications. However, for the same reason, deep technological challenges remain before they can be used effectively in science and technology. UVQuanT will tackle this challenge by developing the necessary industrial and scientific expertise to realise new-era, cost-effective lasers and laser optics for the UV and DUV region, positioning the EU as the front-runner in this technology. UVQuanT will focus on new ways of increasing the production of coherent radiation in the UV and DUV region, developing and testing lower cost, more rugged and practical solutions, and will test these novel systems in a range of experiments targeting quantum technology applications. Combining the talent and expertise of industrial and academic partners, UVQuanT will build strong relationships for establishing a path for next-generation quantum technologies.



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