GreenSME | Driving manufacturing SME transformation towards green, digital and social sustainability

Manufacturing is among the key driving forces of the European economy and their engagement is a must to achieve Green Deal goals. greenSME project aims to drive manufacturing SME towards green, digital, and social sustainability. To achieve this main goal, the project will strength SME capacity for advanced technologies adoption to become competitive and climate neutral, maximising the benefits for all parts of society. This vision implies SMEs to develop a strategic approach to sustainability.
The project vision, EU manufacturing industry sustainability shift, will be achieved through greenSME HUB which gathers sustainability awareness and industry engagement activities, ecosystem networking space and tailored advisory services to SMEs through the SME sustainability transformation pathway.
?The greenSME HUB will become a knowledge sharing area that gathers resources, activities, and stakeholders to enable the uptake of AT by SMEs for sustainability.
?SME sustainability transformation pathway. The pathway gathers the whole process of guidance that will be given to the SMEs for their shift towards sustainability.
?The SMEs that have developed a greenSME sustainability assessment will be eligible to apply for financial support. The project will dedicate a budget of 3 MEuros for supporting SMEs in the implementation of the sustainability strategy action plans

greenSME project is firmly committed with open science policy, and project exploitable result will be shared and disseminated. Project main outcomes are: 1) EU manufacturing SME sustainability Roadmap, 2) greenSME HUB. A knowledge sharing community that gathers manufacturing ecosystem stakeholders and all the developed sustainability communication material within the project, 3) greenSME sustainability assessment tool and Advanced Sustainability Action plan (ASAP) definition methodologyand 4) SME Sustainable pathway and AT implementation good practices white book.
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Start date: 01-06-2022
End date: 31-08-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 4 897 921,25 Euro - 4 897 920,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Manufacturing is among the key driving forces of the European economy and their engagement is a must to achieve Green Deal goals. greenSME project aims to drive manufacturing SME towards green, digital, and social sustainability. To achieve this main goal, the project will strength SME capacity for advanced technologies adoption to become competitive and climate neutral, maximising the benefits for all parts of society. This vision implies SMEs to develop a strategic approach to sustainability.
The project vision, EU manufacturing industry sustainability shift, will be achieved through greenSME HUB which gathers sustainability awareness and industry engagement activities, ecosystem networking space and tailored advisory services to SMEs through the SME sustainability transformation pathway.
?The greenSME HUB will become a knowledge sharing area that gathers resources, activities, and stakeholders to enable the uptake of AT by SMEs for sustainability.
?SME sustainability transformation pathway. The pathway gathers the whole process of guidance that will be given to the SMEs for their shift towards sustainability.
?The SMEs that have developed a greenSME sustainability assessment will be eligible to apply for financial support. The project will dedicate a budget of 3 MEuros for supporting SMEs in the implementation of the sustainability strategy action plans

greenSME project is firmly committed with open science policy, and project exploitable result will be shared and disseminated. Project main outcomes are: 1) EU manufacturing SME sustainability Roadmap, 2) greenSME HUB. A knowledge sharing community that gathers manufacturing ecosystem stakeholders and all the developed sustainability communication material within the project, 3) greenSME sustainability assessment tool and Advanced Sustainability Action plan (ASAP) definition methodologyand 4) SME Sustainable pathway and AT implementation good practices white book.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-29 'Innovate to transform' support for SME's sustainability transition (CSA)