QUCATS | Quantum Flagship Coordination Action and Support

Quantum Technologies (QT) are now developing quickly and broadly in Europe, and the QT Flagship launched 3 years ago is part of a larger Quantum Fleet. This evolution goes together with a reinforcement of the move from the lab to real-world applications, and to industry involvement towards potential markets. The QUCATS CSA is designed to accompany this transition, with the main goals to foster an open and inclusive ecosystem at the European and international levels, to contribute to the development of QT benchmarks and standards, and to step-up training and education of a quantum aware workforce. These outcomes will be reached through the execution of five Work Packages, and their expected impacts will be to preserve the ownership sense built by the previous QT initiatives, now enlarged from labs to the European quantum industry; to make sure that a plurality of voices is consulted and heard, delivering a consistent scientific and political message on critical QT-related issues; and to guarantee that the new phase of the QT Flagship will be validated and supported by the largest possible scientific and industry community. A crucial issue is to allow researchers and policy makers to strike a balance between protectionism and full free trade, in order to keep going the worldwide exchange of ideas, ultimately leading to the conceptual and technological breakthroughs required for the full realization of the QT potential. This smart openness will make Europe more attractive for foreign companies, avoiding at the same time the move of QT companies to countries outside it. Particular attention will be brought to the coordination and development of international QT standards and regulations, and to new educational programs on a European scale, able to train QT specialists, well skilled to make progress in the current Flagship phase and beyond it. Ultimately, the goal of QUCATS is to keep the whole European QT initiative on the path towards a full success on a global scale.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101070193
Start date: 01-05-2022
End date: 30-04-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 6 636 973,75 Euro - 6 636 973,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Quantum Technologies (QT) are now developing quickly and broadly in Europe, and the QT Flagship launched 3 years ago is part of a larger Quantum Fleet. This evolution goes together with a reinforcement of the move from the lab to real-world applications, and to industry involvement towards potential markets. The QUCATS CSA is designed to accompany this transition, with the main goals to foster an open and inclusive ecosystem at the European and international levels, to contribute to the development of QT benchmarks and standards, and to step-up training and education of a quantum aware workforce. These outcomes will be reached through the execution of five Work Packages, and their expected impacts will be to preserve the ownership sense built by the previous QT initiatives, now enlarged from labs to the European quantum industry; to make sure that a plurality of voices is consulted and heard, delivering a consistent scientific and political message on critical QT-related issues; and to guarantee that the new phase of the QT Flagship will be validated and supported by the largest possible scientific and industry community. A crucial issue is to allow researchers and policy makers to strike a balance between protectionism and full free trade, in order to keep going the worldwide exchange of ideas, ultimately leading to the conceptual and technological breakthroughs required for the full realization of the QT potential. This smart openness will make Europe more attractive for foreign companies, avoiding at the same time the move of QT companies to countries outside it. Particular attention will be brought to the coordination and development of international QT standards and regulations, and to new educational programs on a European scale, able to train QT specialists, well skilled to make progress in the current Flagship phase and beyond it. Ultimately, the goal of QUCATS is to keep the whole European QT initiative on the path towards a full success on a global scale.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.2 Key Digital Technologies
HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-32 Support and coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship Initiative (CSA)