14ACMOS | 14 Anstrom CMOS IC technology

14ACMOS is about enabling manufacture of 14A Semiconductor technology. It addresses the 4 key pillars in IC technology development for manufacture; Lithography, Metrology, Mask Infrastructure and Process technology.

Carl ZEISS, Trumpf and ASML are the main parties to push the lithography solutions to 14A. Between Carl ZEISS, Fraunhofer, RWTH, UW and TNO further understanding of optics life time and plasma physics is pursued in optimizing optics transmission and lifetime.

Nova, BRT, ILT and PTB address measurement sensitivity enhancement of X-ray and optical based methodologies to meet the 14A requirements. Imec, TNO, PTB, UPB and RWTH will combine and tune metrology techniques specifically for the assessment of EUV reticle degradation. On throughput and resolution enhancement Bruker, EXC, PTB and AMIL will work on X-ray sources and AMIL, ICT and NFI on e-beam and SPM platforms for in-line metrology. On the reduction of Total Measurement Uncertainty, Prodrive and AMIL cover the development of an ultra-high precision wafer stage and NVIDIA, AMIL and Prodrive the development of a next generation image processing system.

In Mask Infrastructure there are FHG (IISB), ASML, Carl Zeiss covering the creation of a simulation based mask repair strategy and with Carl ZEISS, ASML, PI and UPB HW/SW and process technology for particle removal is created and repair durability is covered with Carl ZEISS, ASML, Suss and UPB.

Process technology covers the creation of patterning solutions with the involvement of imec and TEL. On active device selection there will be imec, Cadence, IBS, JSR, Recif and TEL with THERMO enabling advanced TEM characterization. Middle Of Line and Back End Of Line solution development is with imec, TEL, Solmates and Coventor for process modules and Cadence the interface with the design community. On Sustainable Semiconductor Technology and Systems there are imec, Recif and ThermoFisher covering sustainable material and processing alternatives.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101096772
Start date: 01-12-2022
End date: 30-11-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 94 640 401,81 Euro - 21 859 931,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

14ACMOS is about enabling manufacture of 14A Semiconductor technology. It addresses the 4 key pillars in IC technology development for manufacture; Lithography, Metrology, Mask Infrastructure and Process technology.

Carl ZEISS, Trumpf and ASML are the main parties to push the lithography solutions to 14A. Between Carl ZEISS, Fraunhofer, RWTH, UW and TNO further understanding of optics life time and plasma physics is pursued in optimizing optics transmission and lifetime.

Nova, BRT, ILT and PTB address measurement sensitivity enhancement of X-ray and optical based methodologies to meet the 14A requirements. Imec, TNO, PTB, UPB and RWTH will combine and tune metrology techniques specifically for the assessment of EUV reticle degradation. On throughput and resolution enhancement Bruker, EXC, PTB and AMIL will work on X-ray sources and AMIL, ICT and NFI on e-beam and SPM platforms for in-line metrology. On the reduction of Total Measurement Uncertainty, Prodrive and AMIL cover the development of an ultra-high precision wafer stage and NVIDIA, AMIL and Prodrive the development of a next generation image processing system.

In Mask Infrastructure there are FHG (IISB), ASML, Carl Zeiss covering the creation of a simulation based mask repair strategy and with Carl ZEISS, ASML, PI and UPB HW/SW and process technology for particle removal is created and repair durability is covered with Carl ZEISS, ASML, Suss and UPB.

Process technology covers the creation of patterning solutions with the involvement of imec and TEL. On active device selection there will be imec, Cadence, IBS, JSR, Recif and TEL with THERMO enabling advanced TEM characterization. Middle Of Line and Back End Of Line solution development is with imec, TEL, Solmates and Coventor for process modules and Cadence the interface with the design community. On Sustainable Semiconductor Technology and Systems there are imec, Recif and ThermoFisher covering sustainable material and processing alternatives.



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