EDCTP Africa Office | Strengthening global cooperation and institutional capacities in sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate implementation of the GH EDCTP3 programme

This proposal is in response to the GH EDCTP3 call for support to EDCTP Africa Office (AO), which is part of the EDCTP Association Secretariat, based in Cape Town and hosted by the South African Medical Research Council. The aim of the proposal is to provide support for the operation of the AO to ensure optimal implementation and visibility of the GH EDCTP3 programme in SSA. The AO will provide technical support, promote networking activities (South-North, South–South), ensure alignment of the funded activities, strategic partnerships, and increase visibility of the GH EDCTP3. This aim of the project will be achieved through several activities that include technical support for the design, implementation and monitoring of capacity developing activities, monitoring funded projects, organising workshops, and facilitating dialogue between African and European research entities and stakeholders. The expected impact is a strengthened and improved delivery of the GH EDCTP3 programme in SSA. The implementation of this proposed project will be structured into four work packages (WP) called Project management (WP1), Capacity development and networking (WP2), Strategic Partnerships (WP3) and Conferences, forums, and meetings (WP4). Through this grant the AO will contribute to the following impacts: Accelerated product development for fighting target infectious diseases; Facilitated preparedness against public health emergencies in line with One Health; Increased visibility of AU-EU partnership in science; Ensured close alignment with SSA national research programmes and activities on target diseases and R&I; Increased participation of SSA countries in GH EDCTP3; and Increased participation of industry and private entities in product development and clinical trials in SSA.
To implement the project fully the AO will need a competent Project Coordinator, four Project Officers, a Senior Administrative Officer and an Office Manager. The project will be 2,953,000 euros.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101103640
Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 3 691 250,00 Euro - 2 953 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This proposal is in response to the GH EDCTP3 call for support to EDCTP Africa Office (AO), which is part of the EDCTP Association Secretariat, based in Cape Town and hosted by the South African Medical Research Council. The aim of the proposal is to provide support for the operation of the AO to ensure optimal implementation and visibility of the GH EDCTP3 programme in SSA. The AO will provide technical support, promote networking activities (South-North, South–South), ensure alignment of the funded activities, strategic partnerships, and increase visibility of the GH EDCTP3. This aim of the project will be achieved through several activities that include technical support for the design, implementation and monitoring of capacity developing activities, monitoring funded projects, organising workshops, and facilitating dialogue between African and European research entities and stakeholders. The expected impact is a strengthened and improved delivery of the GH EDCTP3 programme in SSA. The implementation of this proposed project will be structured into four work packages (WP) called Project management (WP1), Capacity development and networking (WP2), Strategic Partnerships (WP3) and Conferences, forums, and meetings (WP4). Through this grant the AO will contribute to the following impacts: Accelerated product development for fighting target infectious diseases; Facilitated preparedness against public health emergencies in line with One Health; Increased visibility of AU-EU partnership in science; Ensured close alignment with SSA national research programmes and activities on target diseases and R&I; Increased participation of SSA countries in GH EDCTP3; and Increased participation of industry and private entities in product development and clinical trials in SSA.
To implement the project fully the AO will need a competent Project Coordinator, four Project Officers, a Senior Administrative Officer and an Office Manager. The project will be 2,953,000 euros.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.1 Health
HORIZON.2.1.4 Infectious Diseases, including poverty-related and neglected diseases
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2022-GH-Africa-IBA HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2022-OA1 Grant to identified beneficiary - Support for an Africa office