WHEEL | Wind Hybrid Evolution for Low-Carbon Solutions

The overall objective of the WHEEL project is to fully demonstrate and bring to a precommercial Technology Readiness Level (TRL) a revolutionary floating wind technology excellently suited for deep water locations, effective industrialization strategies, breakthrough cost reduction and minimized carbon footprint. This shall enable a radical step forward for LCoE reduction, whilst also addressing scalability, harbour infrastructure suitability and availability, and the sustainability & circularity of floating offshore wind.

Development and demonstration needed to reach the pursued TRL will be achieved through the design, installation, certification and testing of a fully operative 6MW Pilot unit, which will showcase and demonstrate the breakthrough advantages that the WHEEL technology can deliver to the floating wind industry. It will be installed in a deep-water location in the PLOCAN testing area (Canary Islands, Spain), where it shall be thoroughly monitored along a period sufficient to underpin the commercialization and bankability of the technology.

The WHEEL project pulls together a Consortium of renowned European companies and research institutions with extensive experience and a spearhead position in the renewables and marine industry. This multidisciplinary team joins forces to complete the full demonstration of such a disruptive technology by integrating complementary expertise fields and capabilities which effectively cover all key areas of floating wind systems in pursuit of the ambitious objectives of the project.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101084409
Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 25 289 722,20 Euro - 16 663 950,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The overall objective of the WHEEL project is to fully demonstrate and bring to a precommercial Technology Readiness Level (TRL) a revolutionary floating wind technology excellently suited for deep water locations, effective industrialization strategies, breakthrough cost reduction and minimized carbon footprint. This shall enable a radical step forward for LCoE reduction, whilst also addressing scalability, harbour infrastructure suitability and availability, and the sustainability & circularity of floating offshore wind.

Development and demonstration needed to reach the pursued TRL will be achieved through the design, installation, certification and testing of a fully operative 6MW Pilot unit, which will showcase and demonstrate the breakthrough advantages that the WHEEL technology can deliver to the floating wind industry. It will be installed in a deep-water location in the PLOCAN testing area (Canary Islands, Spain), where it shall be thoroughly monitored along a period sufficient to underpin the commercialization and bankability of the technology.

The WHEEL project pulls together a Consortium of renowned European companies and research institutions with extensive experience and a spearhead position in the renewables and marine industry. This multidisciplinary team joins forces to complete the full demonstration of such a disruptive technology by integrating complementary expertise fields and capabilities which effectively cover all key areas of floating wind systems in pursuit of the ambitious objectives of the project.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.2 Energy Supply
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-12 Innovation on floating wind energy deployment optimized for deep waters and different sea basins (Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North-east Atlantic Ocean)