POSEIDON | POwer StoragE In D OceaN

POSEIDON main objective is to demonstrate the applicability of 3 innovative fast-response ESS in waterborne transport (Supercapacitors, Flywheels and SMES) addressing their on-board integration, cost-competitiveness, efficiency, and safety, in relevant environments. To achieve it, the following specific objectives have been defined:
SO 1. To build and marinize 3 innovative ESS (SMES, Supercapacitors, and Flywheel)
SO 2. To demonstrate their operation in a maritime environment of a containerized system including the 3 developed ESS systems.
SO 3. To establish a refined metrics Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) tool for cost assessment and comparison of ESS for different waterborne segments.
SO 4. To elaborate a complete lifecycle analysis of the 3 developed ESS.
SO 5. To analyse potential integration with other disruptive technologies, such as hydrogen, rigid sails, and reversible hydrokinetic generators.
SO 6. To determine safety issues, potential long-term risks and to propose regulatory solutions for the 3 ESS.

To achieve SO1 and 2, POSEIDON will contribute with 3 Innovative Outputs (IO) that will demonstrate the potential applicability of Fast Response Energy Storage Systems (FRESS) in the maritime industry.
IO1. Marinized SMES based on CERN high-field superconducting magnets
IO2. Slow Flywheel for waterborne transport
IO3. Supercapacitor based ESS for marine applications

SO3, 4, 5 and 6 are focused on the main barriers that must be overcome to achieve the penetration of alternative ESS in the maritime industry. To this purpose, POSEIDON will develop 3 innovative tools:
Tool1. a refined metrics Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) tool for ESS cost assessment and comparison. Applicability report of FRESS to different waterborne segments.
Tool2. LCC and LCA analysis of FRESS technologies applied to the waterborne segment.
Tool3. Disruptive technologies assessment: complementarity with hydrogen and solid sails
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101096457
Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 4 993 106,96 Euro - 4 993 106,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

POSEIDON main objective is to demonstrate the applicability of 3 innovative fast-response ESS in waterborne transport (Supercapacitors, Flywheels and SMES) addressing their on-board integration, cost-competitiveness, efficiency, and safety, in relevant environments. To achieve it, the following specific objectives have been defined:
SO 1. To build and marinize 3 innovative ESS (SMES, Supercapacitors, and Flywheel)
SO 2. To demonstrate their operation in a maritime environment of a containerized system including the 3 developed ESS systems.
SO 3. To establish a refined metrics Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) tool for cost assessment and comparison of ESS for different waterborne segments.
SO 4. To elaborate a complete lifecycle analysis of the 3 developed ESS.
SO 5. To analyse potential integration with other disruptive technologies, such as hydrogen, rigid sails, and reversible hydrokinetic generators.
SO 6. To determine safety issues, potential long-term risks and to propose regulatory solutions for the 3 ESS.

To achieve SO1 and 2, POSEIDON will contribute with 3 Innovative Outputs (IO) that will demonstrate the potential applicability of Fast Response Energy Storage Systems (FRESS) in the maritime industry.
IO1. Marinized SMES based on CERN high-field superconducting magnets
IO2. Slow Flywheel for waterborne transport
IO3. Supercapacitor based ESS for marine applications

SO3, 4, 5 and 6 are focused on the main barriers that must be overcome to achieve the penetration of alternative ESS in the maritime industry. To this purpose, POSEIDON will develop 3 innovative tools:
Tool1. a refined metrics Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) tool for ESS cost assessment and comparison. Applicability report of FRESS to different waterborne segments.
Tool2. LCC and LCA analysis of FRESS technologies applied to the waterborne segment.
Tool3. Disruptive technologies assessment: complementarity with hydrogen and solid sails



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European Partnerships
Zero Emission Waterborne Transport Partnership (ZEWT)
ZEWT Partnership Call 2022
HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01-02 Innovative energy storage systems on-board vessels (ZEWT Partnership)
Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.6 Industrial Competitiveness in Transport
HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01-02 Innovative energy storage systems on-board vessels (ZEWT Partnership)
HORIZON.2.5.7 Clean, Safe and Accessible Transport and Mobility
HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01-02 Innovative energy storage systems on-board vessels (ZEWT Partnership)