SEANERGY | Sustainability EducationAl programme for greeNEr fuels and enerGY on ports

Contributing to reach the European Green Deal objectives and the Europe 2050’s goals, the SEANERGY Project aims to provide a solution for exploiting the untapped potential of EU-ports energy’s system by implementing the SEANERGY Master Plan which assesses stakeholders to execute the necessary activities towards transforming ports, regardless of their geographical context, into active members of the clean energy and fuel generation grid of EEZ. Activities such as training, reskilling, awareness spreading and communication channels creation, will set the basis of the green port transitioning, creating spaces of dialogue and teaching among all agents of the industry (private and public), which will, in turn, boost the development and integration of these technologies, along with prepared professionals that will be able to manage and implement them promptly, securely and efficiently. The SEANERGY project will be developed in 3 stages: (1) understanding of actors and port E&F systems and identifying limitations; (2) developing the Master Plan and Handbook, which will serve as a training manual for stakeholders, as well as implementing the Industry-Academy programme to train future professionals in clean energy technologies and fuels and how to apply the knowledge in ports; (3) expanding the scope of the Master Plan beyond Europe.
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Start date: 01-10-2022
End date: 31-03-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 2 497 043,75 Euro - 2 497 043,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Contributing to reach the European Green Deal objectives and the Europe 2050’s goals, the SEANERGY Project aims to provide a solution for exploiting the untapped potential of EU-ports energy’s system by implementing the SEANERGY Master Plan which assesses stakeholders to execute the necessary activities towards transforming ports, regardless of their geographical context, into active members of the clean energy and fuel generation grid of EEZ. Activities such as training, reskilling, awareness spreading and communication channels creation, will set the basis of the green port transitioning, creating spaces of dialogue and teaching among all agents of the industry (private and public), which will, in turn, boost the development and integration of these technologies, along with prepared professionals that will be able to manage and implement them promptly, securely and efficiently. The SEANERGY project will be developed in 3 stages: (1) understanding of actors and port E&F systems and identifying limitations; (2) developing the Master Plan and Handbook, which will serve as a training manual for stakeholders, as well as implementing the Industry-Academy programme to train future professionals in clean energy technologies and fuels and how to apply the knowledge in ports; (3) expanding the scope of the Master Plan beyond Europe.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.2 Energy Supply
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-02 Sustainability and educational aspects for renewable energy and renewable fuel technologies