SKILL BILL | SKILL BILL: Skill to Boost Innovation and professional fulfiLLment in a sustainable economy

SKILLBILL’s overall objective is to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth and acceleration of renewable energy’s deployment, thanks to engaging with stakeholders of the whole chain, diffusing scientific culture and skilling multi-level workers.
The basic idea underling the project is that the knowledge should be diffused at several different levels and qualitatively appropriate both to train the adequate number of workers and to increase RES awareness and to reach a more social and inclusive Europe

The project aims at creating several pathways to induce target groups to get interested or involved in RES besides their initial level of education and their working position: the technological RES potential can be reached by increasing hard and soft skills of potential users and stakeholders, developing interest in the topic and having clear and appropriate approaches, such as tools and learning modules using suitable language. It’s important, beside the creation of instruments for the upskilling and reskilling of workers, technician and designers, to have awareness modules for unspecific public in order to fight against ignorance, fake news, gender gap and the phenomenon of functional illiteracy: it is widely documented that lifelong suitable learning process is the fundamental driver to support the development, maintenance and update of skills.

SKILLBILL proposes concrete actions to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy at different levels:
1. Stakeholder community engagement
2. Knowledge sharing and peer learning
3. Skilling, upskilling, reskilling

SKILLBILL will i) analyse and involve all the interested parts in open discussion using adequate language; ii) create several different pathways to increase skills after having mapped knowledge gap and without gender prejudice; iii) develop and implement innovative learning method; vi) evaluate the work performed.
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Start date: 01-09-2022
End date: 31-08-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 2 493 640,00 Euro - 2 493 640,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

SKILLBILL’s overall objective is to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth and acceleration of renewable energy’s deployment, thanks to engaging with stakeholders of the whole chain, diffusing scientific culture and skilling multi-level workers.
The basic idea underling the project is that the knowledge should be diffused at several different levels and qualitatively appropriate both to train the adequate number of workers and to increase RES awareness and to reach a more social and inclusive Europe

The project aims at creating several pathways to induce target groups to get interested or involved in RES besides their initial level of education and their working position: the technological RES potential can be reached by increasing hard and soft skills of potential users and stakeholders, developing interest in the topic and having clear and appropriate approaches, such as tools and learning modules using suitable language. It’s important, beside the creation of instruments for the upskilling and reskilling of workers, technician and designers, to have awareness modules for unspecific public in order to fight against ignorance, fake news, gender gap and the phenomenon of functional illiteracy: it is widely documented that lifelong suitable learning process is the fundamental driver to support the development, maintenance and update of skills.

SKILLBILL proposes concrete actions to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy at different levels:
1. Stakeholder community engagement
2. Knowledge sharing and peer learning
3. Skilling, upskilling, reskilling

SKILLBILL will i) analyse and involve all the interested parts in open discussion using adequate language; ii) create several different pathways to increase skills after having mapped knowledge gap and without gender prejudice; iii) develop and implement innovative learning method; vi) evaluate the work performed.



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