H-HOPE | Hidden Hydro Oscillating Power for Europe

The H-HOPE project addresses the development and demonstration of innovative and sustainable energy harvesting systems capable of recovering hidden hydro energy from existing piping systems, open streams and open channels. This new technology is based on both the use of piezoelectric materials attached to submerged bodies with deforming walls and of electromagnetic regulators absorbing the transverse motion of oscillating bodies inside flows. The power density of the proposed energy harvesters will be significantly improved thanks to the multi-physics design approach and to the innovative adaptive power take-off (PTO) allowing to tune the resonance frequency of the coupled fluid-structure-electrical system and thus increase the flow induced vibrations under lock-in conditions. Eight (8) different case studies representative of actual industrial water facilities and free-flowing streams located across Europe will be used to experimentally test and validate the effectiveness of the technology in adequate and real operating conditions reproduced in laboratories. In parallel, numerical models will be developed and included in a multi-physics design strategy so as to optimize their design whereas an adaptive PTO will be developed and customize on the energy harvesting system so as to maximize the performance even in variable operating conditions. The assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts will be used to demonstrate the value of the selected case studies and the sustainability of the proposed technology aimed also at increasing the resilience of the water facilities. In order to extend this knowledge and promote the applications of the H-HOPE technologies to potential prosumers, an open-access and open-source do-it-yourself platform will be set up. As a result, the H-HOPE platform will certainly contribute to reduce the negative effects of the climate change and to reduce the CO2 emissions while increasing the energy independence of the EU.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101084362
Start date: 01-11-2022
End date: 31-10-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 4 854 229,65 Euro - 4 854 229,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The H-HOPE project addresses the development and demonstration of innovative and sustainable energy harvesting systems capable of recovering hidden hydro energy from existing piping systems, open streams and open channels. This new technology is based on both the use of piezoelectric materials attached to submerged bodies with deforming walls and of electromagnetic regulators absorbing the transverse motion of oscillating bodies inside flows. The power density of the proposed energy harvesters will be significantly improved thanks to the multi-physics design approach and to the innovative adaptive power take-off (PTO) allowing to tune the resonance frequency of the coupled fluid-structure-electrical system and thus increase the flow induced vibrations under lock-in conditions. Eight (8) different case studies representative of actual industrial water facilities and free-flowing streams located across Europe will be used to experimentally test and validate the effectiveness of the technology in adequate and real operating conditions reproduced in laboratories. In parallel, numerical models will be developed and included in a multi-physics design strategy so as to optimize their design whereas an adaptive PTO will be developed and customize on the energy harvesting system so as to maximize the performance even in variable operating conditions. The assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts will be used to demonstrate the value of the selected case studies and the sustainability of the proposed technology aimed also at increasing the resilience of the water facilities. In order to extend this knowledge and promote the applications of the H-HOPE technologies to potential prosumers, an open-access and open-source do-it-yourself platform will be set up. As a result, the H-HOPE platform will certainly contribute to reduce the negative effects of the climate change and to reduce the CO2 emissions while increasing the energy independence of the EU.



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