HOMTech | Optical fiber higher order mode technologies and their application within communication, sensing and bio imaging

Optical fibres supporting propagation of light in so-called higher order modes (HOMs) have gained major research interest in the last years. However, there are still quite a few obstacles to overcome before HOM fibres can be used for major commercial applications. In the HOMTech doctoral network, seven leading European universities, within the field of HOM fibres and their applications, join forces with one research institution and three European industrial partners and two world leading industrial research labs in the USA and Japan with the aim to significantly progress the field of HOM fibres and their applications. Five European countries are represented. Ten doctoral candidates (DC) will work in the network. Apart from the research and training at the host beneficiary, each DCs will also have two research secondments (both at least 3 months long) at another beneficiary or an associated partner. For DCs from academic partners, at least one of the secondments will be to an industrial partner. Five training schools in five different countries will be organized for the DCs through a joint effort between all beneficiaries.

The research is organized in three work packages (WPs). WP1 on HOM applications within communication (both in optical fibres and in free space), WP2 on properties of HOMs, and WP3 on HOM applications within sensing. WP2 act both as support for WP1 and WP3, e.g., WP2 research essential non-linear properties of HOM fibres that is key in optical communication, but also applications of HOM for microscopy imaging. In WP1 both classical communication as well as quantum communication will be researched.

It is the ambition that HOMTech will build a strong and lasting network not only between the DCs but also between the beneficiaries and associated partners. HOMTech aims at bringing European industry and academy in the forefront of HOM fibres and their application.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101072409
Start date: 01-10-2022
End date: 30-09-2026
Total budget - Public funding: - 2 807 107,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Optical fibres supporting propagation of light in so-called higher order modes (HOMs) have gained major research interest in the last years. However, there are still quite a few obstacles to overcome before HOM fibres can be used for major commercial applications. In the HOMTech doctoral network, seven leading European universities, within the field of HOM fibres and their applications, join forces with one research institution and three European industrial partners and two world leading industrial research labs in the USA and Japan with the aim to significantly progress the field of HOM fibres and their applications. Five European countries are represented. Ten doctoral candidates (DC) will work in the network. Apart from the research and training at the host beneficiary, each DCs will also have two research secondments (both at least 3 months long) at another beneficiary or an associated partner. For DCs from academic partners, at least one of the secondments will be to an industrial partner. Five training schools in five different countries will be organized for the DCs through a joint effort between all beneficiaries.

The research is organized in three work packages (WPs). WP1 on HOM applications within communication (both in optical fibres and in free space), WP2 on properties of HOMs, and WP3 on HOM applications within sensing. WP2 act both as support for WP1 and WP3, e.g., WP2 research essential non-linear properties of HOM fibres that is key in optical communication, but also applications of HOM for microscopy imaging. In WP1 both classical communication as well as quantum communication will be researched.

It is the ambition that HOMTech will build a strong and lasting network not only between the DCs but also between the beneficiaries and associated partners. HOMTech aims at bringing European industry and academy in the forefront of HOM fibres and their application.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-01 MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021