MWGaiaDN | MWGaiaDN: Revealing the Milky Way with Gaia

The Milky Way-Gaia Doctoral Network (MWGaiaDN): Revealing the Milky Way (MW) with Gaia - Excellent science, Extending techniques, Enhancing people skills, Effecting the next revolution in European led astronomy through leadership in astrometric-based science. What: Gaia, ESA’s major space mission launched in Dec 2013, is now in its extended mission to map some two billion stars in the MW. It’s upcoming data releases , that will provide chemical and physical annotation of the earlier positional releases, present major challenges in terms of complexity and size, hence research training to deliver a full science exploitation is essential, ensuring that Gaia is the `game changer’ for astronomy How: Our DN will link major partners responsible for the development of Gaia, to form an effective and unique training network combining the best research training with a range of academic and industrial placements, specialist research and knowledge transfer workshops. It will develop and train a cohort of young researchers through a set of key science projects pushing the Gaia data to its limits. Our DN will train 10 ESRs located across 10 European beneficiaries, benefiting from the participation of 13 associate partners. These include major industry (e.g. AirbusDS, TAS), at the forefront of Space and Information technologies; SME Industry (e.g. DAPCOM, Suil), innovating new technologies for Space and partners leading the development of next generation astrometry missions outside of Europe (NAOJ). Relevance: It will shape the delivery of training in astrometry and the study of the MW across Europe: delivering key insights into the structure and formation of our Galaxy; delivering the roadmap for the next generation of astrometric space telescopes; equipping the ESRs with skills to drive the next innovative steps in this crucial area of space discovery, as well as enabling them to contribute to the future, growth and challenges of the big data industry and commerce. MWGaiaDN
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Start date: 01-02-2023
End date: 31-01-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 2 618 733,00 Euro
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The Milky Way-Gaia Doctoral Network (MWGaiaDN): Revealing the Milky Way (MW) with Gaia - Excellent science, Extending techniques, Enhancing people skills, Effecting the next revolution in European led astronomy through leadership in astrometric-based science. What: Gaia, ESA’s major space mission launched in Dec 2013, is now in its extended mission to map some two billion stars in the MW. It’s upcoming data releases , that will provide chemical and physical annotation of the earlier positional releases, present major challenges in terms of complexity and size, hence research training to deliver a full science exploitation is essential, ensuring that Gaia is the `game changer’ for astronomy How: Our DN will link major partners responsible for the development of Gaia, to form an effective and unique training network combining the best research training with a range of academic and industrial placements, specialist research and knowledge transfer workshops. It will develop and train a cohort of young researchers through a set of key science projects pushing the Gaia data to its limits. Our DN will train 10 ESRs located across 10 European beneficiaries, benefiting from the participation of 13 associate partners. These include major industry (e.g. AirbusDS, TAS), at the forefront of Space and Information technologies; SME Industry (e.g. DAPCOM, Suil), innovating new technologies for Space and partners leading the development of next generation astrometry missions outside of Europe (NAOJ). Relevance: It will shape the delivery of training in astrometry and the study of the MW across Europe: delivering key insights into the structure and formation of our Galaxy; delivering the roadmap for the next generation of astrometric space telescopes; equipping the ESRs with skills to drive the next innovative steps in this crucial area of space discovery, as well as enabling them to contribute to the future, growth and challenges of the big data industry and commerce. MWGaiaDN



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-01 MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021